MelFallesen Member


  • In Argentina the anti-depressants/anxiety can only be prescripted by a psychiatrist, and to get to one you have to be derivated by a psychologist firt... there's a big "anti-anti-depressant" policy that I agree with. I'll look into your other options, thanks!
  • It does work for me outside, my inconvinient is that I can't always leave home, and with a toddler is kinda difficult to exercise there, specially when she starts climbing me xD I do try and breathe and meditate, but I cannot always control myself
  • Thank you all for your comments! It helps knowing I'm not alone in this race =)
  • It's tough, and not everyday I can put myself in that setting, but with work I'm sure you can make it, I mean... I can! so I'm sure you can to! Let's do it toghether!
  • Yes, I know I should be doing that, but over here Psychologists are really expensive
  • Hi! add me if you please. I started in october with MFP and safe for one day I've been loging everyday. It's important that you add EVERYTHING that you eat, specially the things that aren't "allowed", for those are the ones that push you back on track. And the answer for your question is: BECAUSE you ate all that icecream…
  • Hi there! I'm from Argentina, add me if you like. I'm a mom, though not a stay at home one, I work form 8 to 14 and then I take care of my girl and my house. Plus still in college and studying.
  • What's the name of the group? Can I add you to my friends?
  • First of all, good for you! Deciding to start all over is a great step, and a very difficult one. I've been there, and I too have problems with food. It's not that I don't like it, 'cause I do, but a like all the other stuff better xD What really helped me was knowing that it's NOT that you won't eat those stuff ever…
  • I did. An year and a half ago, 4 months after my baby was born, I went and get on the scale and found out I was 92kg (that's 202lb), something like 25kg over my ideal weigh. I felt TERRIBLE That day I decided to change my entire life, with a couple of fallings, today I've lost almost 13kg and I'm decided to lose the other…
  • Through the years, and having cooked for a lot of different people (including the 7 well-eaten friends of my husband), I've found out that, even when people say that the don't want/like/won't eat salad, if it is on the table, the do eat it. At home, I usually make dinner that contains meet, a salad, and carbs (most often…