art_brutale Member


  • I think it's easier to look at calories burned from cardio as a weekly deficit rather than worrying about it day in and day out. For example, If MFP has you eating 1500 calories, calculated for weight loss, and you burn an additional 300 through exercise, unless you're ravenous why not just keep the extra deficit? I lift…
  • Weekdays- Baked Oatmeal! (I sneak in 2 scoops protein vanilla powder for a 6 serving dish) Weekends- Poached egg + whites + avocado + salsa + black bean 4" tacos (2), and 1 Trader Joe's chicken sausage (currently digging the Sweet Apple flavor) I try to maximize protein and keep calories between 350-400 at breakfast,…
  • Try the Beck Diet Solution book, it worked wonders on my portion sizing and in between meal snacking.
  • Baked Oatmeal for breakfast with protein powder! The options are essentially endless.
  • I say cardio should be viewed as a way to keep you within your calorie goals. I see my calorie goals as daily and weekly, and mentally apply the cardio deficit to the week rather than thinking about it as a "daily". I lift 3x a week and this is where the focus of my program/goals is, alternating with 1 day spinning…
  • I think the key is to recognize that the whole thing is a process! I truly believe in setting small achievable goals and then wholeheartedly rewarding yourself when you reach them. Lost 10 lbs already? Fan-freaking-tastic, you go girl! Get a massage, a manicure, take yourself out to the movies with a friend-- on you-- to…
  • Congrats on the triathlon training! My sense is that you need to be eating more than you are. I know it sounds counterintuitive, but trust me on this. Increasing your lean protein intake will make you feel fuller, longer. You're training for something right? Triathlon? Must keep the body fueled. I find that as an active…
  • I decided to cut back on coffee and alcohol (as in, 2-3 cups of coffee and maybe 1 alcoholic drink a week at most) in order to maximize my muscle gains and fat loss, as my diet was already in great shape. So far so good! I believe that it's helped turbo charge the process. I now exclusively drink tea and water (La Croix or…