Lost 11 lbs but feel just as fat as before.



  • LeenaGee
    LeenaGee Posts: 749 Member
    I agree with Christine, 11lbs is a lot of weight that your poor body does not have to carry around anymore. It an amazing achievement. You should be really proud of yourself as it means you are well and truly on your way to a healthier you. :D
  • 42carrots
    42carrots Posts: 97 Member
    I lost 10lbs in about two months (mid November to mid January) and I still felt pretty much exactly the same, just found that my clothes were a bit looser. Over the past few weeks I haven't really lost any more weight, but now I'm starting to get used to it and I can tell, it's weird. It took a while for my brain to catch up and feel better about my physique, I suppose, I really don't know the psychology behind it. Also, I saw someone the other day who I haven't seen since before I lost that weight, and she couldn't get over how different I look apparently, even though I personally didn't think it was that noticeable, and people who see me more regularly haven't really commented. Anyway my point is that it may just take a little time! Congratulations and I hope the psychological reward component sets it for you soon, I know it's hard work :)
  • NiqueKristan
    NiqueKristan Posts: 152 Member
    You all are awesome! Thank you so much for your encouraging and inspiring words! The potato bag idea is a real good one!! And- I've lost two more pounds (:
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    Way to go!!
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Yo yo. Well done :+1:
  • art_brutale
    art_brutale Posts: 8 Member
    I think the key is to recognize that the whole thing is a process! I truly believe in setting small achievable goals and then wholeheartedly rewarding yourself when you reach them. Lost 10 lbs already? Fan-freaking-tastic, you go girl! Get a massage, a manicure, take yourself out to the movies with a friend-- on you-- to celebrate your milestone! 10 lbs later? Do the same thing! It's important to celebrate yourself!

    How can you get to a point where you can celebrate? Figure out a way to make the weight seem like 10 lbs (or whatever you need to get yourself to the end, bit by bit) instead of a mountainous 50 lbs. It really does help, I can guarantee. You might find that the closer you get to the goal, the smaller your reward intervals need to be spaced in order for you to really recognize your own progress. No problem! There's something nice about holding onto the feeling of (healthy) celebration while you're inching towards the next interval lost. It has really helped me savor the process and push through.

    The other thing I've found helpful is reframing how I think of weight loss- every month I revisit my goals based on the previous month. It is another way I judge my progress based on intervals achieved. Set a plan for the month and commit to sticking to it through weekly commitments (or larger monthly goals), using positive reinforcement. I "Pay" myself $1 for every day I hit the gym, usually within a minute of walking through the front door. That could be $10 or $0.25 for someone else's budget, but the point is, I reward myself for sticking to my goals. This money goes into a savings account solely dedicated to reaching my fitness goals. At the end of the month I look back through my workout + eating diary and see that I banked $xx.00 and to me that's certainly better than zero, in more ways than one. Again, if you focus on accomplishment and positive reinforcement, I think you'll be surprised at how much PRIDE you have for your efforts. That is how you build self-confidence, by holding yourself accountable for reaching your goals. Congrats on making big changes in your life!
  • AWordyGirly
    AWordyGirly Posts: 32 Member
    Hi there :-) I've just lost 12 pounds in 5 weeks , and even though it's slow I'm hoping this time it will stay off. I've also been out for dinners and lunches on this plan and it's really allowing me to incorporate my life into the plan which is something I've always struggled with. I don't notice any difference either but I'm focusing on the 1 stone mark as my goal . I'm blogging about my weight loss journey here if anyones interested - https://awordygirly.wordpress.com/