lord_emperor Member


  • Those activities names are how they are listed in MapMyFitness. If you log an activity in MapMyFitness, regardless of which activity you choose, the same calorie count is provided and it syncs to MyFitnessPal as "Bicycling". To demonstrate, I just manually entered a ride as "Bike Ride: Cyclocross Event/Race" on the…
  • Yeah, ignoring about half the estimate of MapMyFitness would be right. On the other hand I've been completely successful taking the estimates from Runtastic or Strava for the purpose of both loss and gains - seeing progress both ways completely consistent with the net calories after exercise. We should really prefer a more…
  • I have a cheat day on special occasions such as my birthday, thanksgiving, and Christmas. I usually just go nuts and eat all the things I don't normally get to have like cake, pie, candy, bread, chips. Doing this once in a while has no negative affects on long term trends.
  • I stressed over a couple of things, then I took a minute and both measured their volume and weighed them. Everything worked out to within +/- 2 grams or 5 Calories. In the end whichever measurement is close enough as long as you're doing it properly (i.e. a tablespoon stops at the top of the spoon). Some examples: All bran…
  • It's a vacation, you're supposed to enjoy it. I went to Mexico for a week last year and ate+drank like Jabba the Hutt every day. Gained 2lbs, continued my progress as normal afterward.
  • Since a recent update MFP will complain if your calorie intake is less than 1500 (for men, not sure if the ladies are different). Alongside this the guided goals won't recommend a daily target of less than 1500 although it can be set manually. There is probably some legalese reason for this because it's just an arbitrary…