eating all my calories but saying im not eating enough

Can anybody shed any light on this. I'm allowed 1290 calories a day. I always eat this amount and can go over by about 100 calories. I finished logging for the day the day and complete the entry. The next morning I go on the app and it tells me I am not likely eating enough, so I'm confused??? Can anyone help


  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    If I leave my app on that page where it says what your weight will be in 5 weeks it will give me the message the next morning. If I go to a different page after it won't. Are you just leaving it on that message? It seems to be a glitch when it happens to me.
  • nettie_noo
    nettie_noo Posts: 2 Member
    Oh I haven't noticed which page it's on ill check when I log in 2 moz. thanks for ur reply
  • lord_emperor
    lord_emperor Posts: 10 Member
    edited August 2015
    Since a recent update MFP will complain if your calorie intake is less than 1500 (for men, not sure if the ladies are different). Alongside this the guided goals won't recommend a daily target of less than 1500 although it can be set manually.

    There is probably some legalese reason for this because it's just an arbitrary number and can easily be a legitimate and safe target for a sufficiently short person.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    You have an activity tracker connected?