v_cowley Member


  • That's fantastic, well done for overcoming your fear- and asking for help! Put a smile on my face :)
  • Hi! I have visited this thread so much, you give me so much inspiration! I really want to get into strength training, I have done it to an extent in the gym with a PT so I'm fairly confident on form (and really enjoy it!). I can't get to the gym at the moment but I've invested in weights for home. I was wondering what you…
  • Hi everyone, I have wanted to start heavy lifting for some time now but the truth is I'm just completely lost- I have no clue where to start- I'd appreciate any tips/advice/beginner plans ect. I don't have access to a gym but I have no idea what to buy to help me at home. I'm 6ft and 16st 10lb at the moment and fairly…
  • I've done 95 today... Only 5 more days! I only didn't log Christmas and Boxing day I think. :)
  • I still have such a long way to go but I can safely say that this is a big goal of mine too! Lovely :) This thread is fantastic. It doesn't matter whether thie points are good or bad, I look forward to it all! I would like to lose 100lb overall, 22lb down so far!
  • I've heard that moisturing your loose skin helps, plus weight training of course (I've seen that on here, not lost enough to tell for sure!) How long has this taken you? Is it mainly diet change? Well done to you! You look absolutely phenominal!
  • You have done so well! Has running been your primary exercise? How long has it taken you?
  • So inspired by this! So helpful to a beginner like me to see there is people that succeed! Thought I'd post and revive it :]
  • This is fantastic! I love what you've said about maintaining too! You look phenominal and done such a good job. Well done!!!
  • Thanks everyone :] Still pleased with myself and going out again tomorrow, it's great to hear everyone elses progression with their running too! I keep being surprised by how quickly people got better at it. Exciting stuff! I'm quite new too and had to look it up when I was forum surfing :] It means Non Scale Victory.
  • Well done! I lost weight a few years ago (all back on now...) and I hit the overweight for ONE weigh in! Then I started gaining again. So I know that it is not a small thing, it's a major thing. Overweight is a lot better than obese! I hope you feel proud of yourself :]
  • Thanks guys, I just had to get it out there! I was always a walker too, quite a fast walker and for massive distances without a worry. Running is a completely different kettle of fish for me. I used to go to a gym and I got a personal trainer to help me try to get a start on a running routine, I was just incapable. I'm…
  • Thank you! Well done to you too! I wanted to do a 5k route to see how far it was, thought I would run/walk the first half and probably walk the rest but I managed to keep it up all the way :] I definately intend to go out again soon. Tomorrow depending on how I feel, I don;t want to be silly. You keep it up too! We'll get…
  • Well done you! Well done us! I'm feeling on a bit of a high from it I think!
  • That is an incredible loss! The clothes will change in time I'm sure, but be proud of your loss and try not to feel too disheartened! How long has it taken you, out of interest? I'm almost the same as your start weight.
  • Thank you :] I feel completely fine on the calories I've been consuming, I don't feel the need to eat the exercise calories at all, so that's not a problem. I just don't want to eat too few (which has always been an odd concept to me) and get stuck in a rut before I'd ever really gotten anywhere.
  • Exactly! I feel that if you've worked to burn extra calories then that should be a bonus, not exercising just to eat. I was questioning it because there are so many differing opinions about it. I know everyone is different. How I wish there was an answer right for everyone! Seriously, thanks for your help, it's the…
  • Thanks, that's all I want to know!
  • That's what confuses me the whole TDEE/BMR thing. On all the BMR calculators I've used gave me the result of 2050cal. The imputs were: Height: 6ft 0" Weight: 273lb Age: 25 Female. Nothing else no exercise. If there is an exercise option I select none because I want the basic calculation. Thanks for the advise though guys,…
  • I'm a 6 ft woman and my husband is 6 ft 4". My mum was 6ft and I have a 5ft 10" sister and a 5ft 3" sister. My boss was a 6ft 1" woman! I'm surrounded by giants (except my little sister >_<) I consider 5ft 7" average.
  • Ah thank you! I'll have a look :)
  • I actually carried on with this after one day (unusual) and I feel like I can keep going. Also went for a run. An accomplishment with H cups and 100lb to many!
  • Thank you everyone! This is so helpful, I love MFP!
  • You look amazing! Such a great job! You did it so quickly too, do you think more down to diet or exercise or 50/50? Seriously, well done!
  • You look phenominal!! I have just started out and have a similar goal weight to you (at 266lb) and am a similar age to you. How tall are you? You look so much younger too! (no doubt because you are feeling better in yourself) I also love your style! Gorgeous.
  • Well done!!! You look amazing and it's fantasic you did it together :)
  • I am in exactly the same boat as you! Add me :) think we could support each other.
  • Well done! You've done such an amazing job, love your advise about not worrying how long it takes- hard not to think about it! - You look incredible!
  • Brilliant thank you, I'm in the UK, Ido drink the Volvic flavoured water (no added sugar) not sure if that's cheating though?!