LaurenLK Member


  • May 1: 155.8 May 8: 154.8 May 15: 154.2 May 22: 152.8 May 29: 154.8 Ugh. Stupid birthday, stupid low carb cheesecake, stupid margaritas.
  • May 1: 155.8 May 8: 154.8 May 15: 154.2 May 22: 152.8
  • May 1: 155.8 May 8: 154.8 May 15: 154.2 Did a lot of bouncing around this week, and am up over a pound from my lowest. But, I have not been doing as well as I would like with the rules. I'm not going to drop out yet, though. Just redouble my efforts. Huzzah!!
  • May 1 weight: 155.8 May 8 weight: 154.8 Doing pretty good on the carnivore diet. Cheated with a sprig of cilantro on taco night. (Crunchy shells for the kids; big bowls of seasoned meat with cheese and sour cream for us.) But its actually really nice not to have to figure out some sort of veggie to have on the side. Was…
  • Ha! That's true. It *felt* like a lot at the time. Only 4 oz. Thanks! :)
  • tried to make cheese chips. didn't work. ate a quarter pound of cheese. so, that's a thing that happened.
  • Goal: Cut out artificial sweeteners and alcohol for the month and see how this affects my weight loss. Starting weight: 155.8lbs Looking forward to simplifying meals and not having to track anything because, meat.
  • Looks like I am going to be eating a lot of chicken. Don't we have two huge things of drumsticks and thighs in the fridge? The kids like drumsticks too, thank goodness. Yeah. That was weird last night. We ate exactly the same thing for lunch and dinner. It turned me off the chicken too because you looked so ill. I started…
  • Aww man. I was just going to not mention alcohol, but now my husband (Chairmanwow) has gone and committed. Now I'll feel like a cheater if I have a drink. :::shakes fist:::
  • Thanks for the post and the video. I think it's been helpful, and addresses my frustration both with adjusting to low/zero carb and getting over the calorie restricting mania. Having read the literature, it seems clear that calories don't matter. But, boy, is that a leap of faith to take. :) I"m going to do my best next…
  • I feel dumb offering advice, as I've only been doing this for a little over a month now, but I did take a peek at your diary. (Mine's public too). My only suggestion is to lower carbs, and eat more meat. I see you have a few days of veggie burgers on there. Even if you balance out the carbs from them, you could be having…
    in P.I.S.S.? Comment by LaurenLK April 2015
  • That is so funny. I am right in the middle of that book. :) He is an amazing writer, he makes the subject really enjoyable. I liked it when he called Bernard Shaw a "high income vegetarian" as, like, a slam. Thanks for responses from everyone. And if you get a chance I would really appreciate a list of meats as we are…
  • I was wondering if maybe some of the people who have been doing this for awhile could post something about cuts of meat that they like and that are good and fatty for The Meaty Month of May. You know, for us newbies who are used to filet? thanks!
  • Thanks for the feedback. :) I made my diary public, but I think I see what the issue is myself, just reviewing it. First of all I am probably not tracking all the fat I get in butter, grease, etc., so I'm undercounting it, and also I have probably still not made the transition to meat with enough fat. I was used to eating…
  • Sorry this double posts: computer acting squirrelly. I have a silly question, and my husband has already told me I am overthinking things, but that's what I do, so here goes. If we are not keeping track of calories, how do we know we are getting enough fat and not too much protein for "good" macros, percentage wise? Or do…
  • Hi! I've been a lurker so far, but am really intrigued by the idea of a zero carb month. Have just been reading a lot of Bear's old posts, "Adventures in Diet" by Stefansson, and "How to Stay Alive in the Woods" by Bradford Angier. Feel better and better the less veggies I eat: so I'm up for it!!