Maybe We Should Have A Meat-Only May Challenge?



  • ruthieo7
    ruthieo7 Posts: 12 Member

    Chia seeds are plants, so no, they're not allowed. If it's not from the animal kingdom and it's not tea or coffee, then assume it's on the "off-limits" list for the duration of the challenge. That's what makes it a challenge.[/quote]

    Thanks. Since this thread started, i have been dabbling around zero carb anyway. So i will remove the chia and see how i get on. I am really looking forward to d may challenge.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    ruthieo7 wrote: »
    I have chia seed two spoon every other day with double cream. Can i still carry on with this on the challenge? daily carb not more than 5g

    I don't know if that 5g was net or total, if it was net, it probably comes with 25g of fiber... which would be way off. It's already been said that plants are out, though. So, skip this for the month. You'll be fine. I promise.

    rkufeke wrote: »
    Hopefully this isn't a dumb question... Is it ok to eat meat we are cooking together with veggies, say for example the pot roast I have going in my crock pot right now with beef broth, a carrot, a couple of celery stalks, and some dehydrated onion flakes (and I plan to add cauliflower to later)? If we just eat the meat is that ok? Since I'm the family cook, my kids and husband have gotten used to eating keto meals for dinner, but I can't expect them to go carnivore with me...

    Plants used as seasoning only are allowed. This would include small amounts of spices or plants that you cook with the meat but don't actually consume. So, you're fine.
    I have a quick question as well. Does anyone have snack ideas? I am not at the point where I can go long periods of time with out eating.

    I usually wake up about 4:30 and drink coffee until 10 or 10:30 then eat breakfast. I usually eat lunch around 1 and if I don't have a snack before I get home and start dinner around 5:30 I will be an angry angry person. My lunch is usually 2 eggs and a 1/2 tablespoon mayo. My snack is usually a piece of cheese and a pickle. That is enough to keep my happy until dinner.

    Any suggestions?

    First and foremost, the obvious solution: Eat a larger lunch. A 200 calorie lunch isn't really a lunch. It's a snack.

    Also, focus on meats instead of eggs. They're not as filling as meat can be. Deli-meats are good snacks. I've had 3-4 hard boiled eggs with some cold bacon as a snack before. I make my own beef jerky (no sugar, no seasonings actually, just salt). That's a safe snack, although I often dip it in some bacon grease to up the fat content. Sardines, slices of SPAM (although this has trace amounts of starch), hot dogs, hamburger patties, very small steaks? LOL, there is a lot of stuff you can snack on.

    Although, I suspect that you'll not need to snack if you actually eat a full meal at lunch.
  • stillonamission
    stillonamission Posts: 140 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    Although, I suspect that you'll not need to snack if you actually eat a full meal at lunch.

    That is probably true. I hadn't really considered that. I am not hungry after eating the two eggs but it doesn't last long. I have left over steak from tonight, I'll try that tomorrow and see how I feel.

    Thank you for the snack suggestions. That definately gives me some ideas. I can see where cooking things a head of time is going to be very important, so I don't just grab something easy.

  • gsp90x
    gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
    edited April 2015
    So if tea and coffee are made from plants... why are they allowed? Are you condering them as "seasonings" in the water??? Not that I want to lose my coffee for the month!!!
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    edited April 2015
    gsp90x wrote: »
    So if tea and coffee are made from plants... why are they allowed? Are you condering them as "seasonings" in the water??? Not that I want to lose my coffee for the month!!!

    This is exactly the way my mental gymnastics work to justify keeping my coffee. :wink:

    Coffee and tea don't really provide any nutrients or calories and they're not sweet. They may be plant products, but they're mostly inconsequential. That said, there is certainly strong logic for removing them: they're drugs, they can cause harm (including kidney stones or even failure), they stain your teeth, coffee can cause an insulin response, they can mask hunger signals, and there's probably more reasons too.

    I drink too much coffee. I have been working to get my consumption down and moving to mostly decaf. Right now, I drink 1-1.5 pots of coffee a day, but it's 2/3 decaf and only 1/3 regular. That's 4-6 "cups" worth of regular coffee. It's still on the high end, but it's getting to the point where I don't "need" my coffee. I will still get headaches if I don't drink any, but it's not as bad as it could be. And, I am easing down to the point where I can take it or leave it.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    Hmm, maybe I should make it a true challenge for myself and drop the coffee and tea. That would be just for me, everyone else would be free to choose to include it if they wanted. It would be hard. I would need to make a plan for work, since I drink a lot of coffee at work as I don't like the taste of the water.
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Get some fitness bottles and fill them at home and keep them in a cooler if your work has no fridge?
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I have a fridge in my office, but it freezes things solid. I just hate dragging bottles back and forth, and I drink an unpredictable amount (but still a large amount).
  • glossbones
    glossbones Posts: 1,064 Member
    Well I know you won't let it stop you! You'll figure it out.
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    wabmester wrote: »
    In June, we'll do the coffee, chocolate, and booze month. Wait, that was my old diet. :)

  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    edited April 2015
    So.....if my Lindt 90% dark bar jumps out of the cabinet, tips over a bottle of vodka, and it all falls on my steak....can i still eat my steak, if I'm doing it while drinking a cup of tea?

    I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. Coffeechocobooze month put me over the edge.
  • nill4me
    nill4me Posts: 682 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    Hmm, maybe I should make it a true challenge for myself and drop the coffee and tea. That would be just for me, everyone else would be free to choose to include it if they wanted. It would be hard. I would need to make a plan for work, since I drink a lot of coffee at work as I don't like the taste of the water.

    do you like fizzy water? seltzer?
  • ChairmanWow
    ChairmanWow Posts: 44 Member
    FIT_Goat wrote: »
    I make my own beef jerky (no sugar, no seasonings actually, just salt). That's a safe snack, although I often dip it in some bacon grease to up the fat content.

    Hey man, I've been thinking about doing this. Do you have a technique to share? I've thought about trying Alton Brown's technique of multiple box fans, but we have a pretty small house and I don't relish the idea of trying to find a place for them.
  • gsp90x
    gsp90x Posts: 416 Member
    Sorry FIT_goat, just playing devil's advocate after we nixed out someone's night cap. >:)
  • ChairmanWow
    ChairmanWow Posts: 44 Member
    gsp90x wrote: »
    Sorry FIT_goat, just playing devil's advocate after we nixed out someone's night cap. >:)

    That was me. I'm just going to enjoy the heck out of my nightcap until midnight April 30. :wink: Then it's on!

  • LaurenLK
    LaurenLK Posts: 17 Member
    Aww man. I was just going to not mention alcohol, but now my husband (Chairmanwow) has gone and committed. Now I'll feel like a cheater if I have a drink. :::shakes fist:::
  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    Hey man, I've been thinking about doing this. Do you have a technique to share? I've thought about trying Alton Brown's technique of multiple box fans, but we have a pretty small house and I don't relish the idea of trying to find a place for them.

    Recommendation: Post on Facebook and ask if any of your friends have a dehydrator you can borrow for a few days. I used to randomly borrow large appliances from my mother, since we never needed them at the same time.
  • FIT_Goat
    FIT_Goat Posts: 4,224 Member
    I could bring sparkling water. I buy that often enough and do bring it to work.

    My jerky is made, specifically, to be non-USDA approved. In fact, I take care to dry my meat right in the "danger zone." I don't recommend doing it my way (mainly because I don't want to be blamed if you get sick). I dry my meat in my smoker between 100 and 120 degreeF. That takes about 36-48 hours to fully dry it. The USDA would prefer you do it at 160 degreeF or higher. You can use a regular oven, with the door cracked, to make jerky. Just put it on the lowest possible temp (I think mine does 170) and spread the thinly sliced meat (~0.5 cm / 1/4" thick) on the racks with a couple cm (1") of space between each strip. It should take 12-18 hours at that temp.

    You should season the meat before you dry it. Also, remove all visible fat from the meat (fat will ruin jerky). I used a round eye roast the last batch I made. I season mine with just a little salt. But, you can use any dry seasoning you want (don't use a wet seasoning as it will likely ruin the final product and don't marinate the meat before trying to make jerky from it).
  • KarlaYP
    KarlaYP Posts: 4,439 Member
    Thanks @Fit_Goat, will be making some jerky. Thank you for the tips!
  • ChairmanWow
    ChairmanWow Posts: 44 Member
    Thanks for the jerky-making advice. I can't wait to try it sometime. I'll have to test my oven to see if I can keep it at the right temperature. If you don't mind my asking, what type of smoker do you have? Do you use it often? I was casually looking into them, but clearly still just in the information gathering phase. Thanks again @FIT_Goat