jimHofmann Member


  • My sister was an early-morning paper boy and so she dressed the part - looking like a boy, that is. She used a baggy male sweat suit with a hoodie and wore sneakers a dude would wear. It's a good job for getting exercise - she was a long distance runner in high school and it certainly helped her stamina and strength.
  • I weigh in after dinner and exercise before those late night urges for snacks creep in and the willpower wanes. Makes you remember what you are fighting for.
  • Also, I think making a goal is great but five pounds a week is pretty hard. Lower expectations and aim for 1 or 2 pounds a week and resign yourself to this being an extended process. This will make it easier to not be tempted to lie to yourself when cheating on your calorie reporting or portioning.
  • Humbly, I would suggest you be brutally honest about your calorie intake. Get a scale and weight out portions when you can. Studies have shown that people overestimate portions and also don't report fully their calories.
  • USDA says grapes are 2 cal per grape. This appears rounded up from 1.6. So 40 grapes = 64 calories. That's a great snack. Citric acid also aids in reducing chances of forming kidney stones. Commercial fruit juices are another matter - high in calories and often introduce additional sugar into the the juice.
  • In general, frozen low-cal meals (300 cals) have helped me lose because I use them at work where "food machines" and nearby Subways and grills have always tempted and led me to overeat my goals. I usually add a piece of fruit or some pita chips and I'm fine until my 3PM snack. Lean Cuisine is okay (high in sodium as…