

  • Oh, and i havent gained any weight at all, Ive actually lost weight. but i was 271lbs when i conceived, so the dr isnt worried about it and baby is just fine.
  • Im currently 30 weeks pregnant with my second. My daughter is 2, so i dont have experience with having kids close together, but i had a hard pregnancy with my 1st (high blood pressure, horrible hip pain, bed rest), and now this one has been perfect up until the last prenantal when i was told i have pre eclampsia at 27…
  • I hard boil eggs and keep them in the fridge for the morning so i can grab one of those or a yogurt, then i make toast quickly and drink a cup of vegetable juice. Im not a fan of sweet breakfast items either so I alternate the eggs and yogurt or if i want to mix it up i make a spinach and fruit smoothie.
  • Feel free to add me! I'm an active person who let a tragedy get the best of me and gained 100 lbs :( now its time to lose ALL of my weight, emotionally and physically!! Who wants to take this journey with me? :)
  • Any one can feel free to add me!! Currently pregnant with my second child, and using myfitnesspal to keep myself on track despite the wild cravings! ;) I have 130 lbs to lose from my pre pregnancy weight, we'll see where I am after I give birth :smiley: I log daily, and like interacting with people!!