100+ pounds to lose looking for friends



  • KaitJennifer
    KaitJennifer Posts: 19 Member
    You can add me as well if you like :) Im always down to make new friends that are in the same boat as me. My goal is to lose 100-120 pounds, and I have lost 43 so far!
  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    I have 147lbs to lose still, already down 29 lbs-- add me if you like

    I post daily and my diary is open to my friends
  • mom2mcl
    mom2mcl Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add me! :) I have lost 7.8 of the 80+ that I want to lose (actually GET RID of, 'cuz I have NO intention of finding it again!) We CAN do this!!
  • cwagler73
    cwagler73 Posts: 2 Member
    Add me Girlie!! I need to lose at least 75lbs. I log in daily, most of the time I put in all my food but some days I just get swamped and forget! I do great on the weekdays and bomb on the weekends...I need to be held accountable for those two treacherous days! :)
  • angiefaychai
    angiefaychai Posts: 9 Member
    I was on here for a while, then went away. Now, I have been back on for a few weeks. I am down 20 lbs. Have 150 to go. Feel free to add me if you like. I am a busy mom of 4 who is determined to be healthy. :D Let's help encourage each other.
  • Dezzie1180
    Dezzie1180 Posts: 46 Member
    Add me, I have a little over a 100 to lose. I log daily.
  • Any one can feel free to add me!! Currently pregnant with my second child, and using myfitnesspal to keep myself on track despite the wild cravings! ;) I have 130 lbs to lose from my pre pregnancy weight, we'll see where I am after I give birth :smiley: I log daily, and like interacting with people!!
  • Allisonfitness99
    Allisonfitness99 Posts: 128 Member
    I do too! Feel free to add me :) I love to talk to people going threw the same things and I love the sharing of support!!
  • angelexperiment
    angelexperiment Posts: 1,917 Member
    Hi ivhave around 100 to lose! Add me! o:)
  • I'm going to lose about 120 pounds. Today is day #3. Anyone in the same boat please add me - SUPPORT NEEDED (my family doesn't help - friends are all thin already). I'm a 40 year old, single mom and I work two jobs - both at a desk! I want this weight off before I'm 42! :p Support would be awesome!!!
  • abcmommyx3
    abcmommyx3 Posts: 123 Member
    Feel free to add me I have about 100 to lose
  • Justcallme_J
    Justcallme_J Posts: 28 Member
    Hi, I'm always happy to make new friends so anyone can feel free to add me. I have well over 100 pounds to lose, 45 down already :) I log in daily and would love to have more friends who want to support and motivate each other.
  • Unstoppable4
    Unstoppable4 Posts: 14 Member
    I have about 210 pounds to lose and have lost 5 lbs in the past 2 weeks. Anyone can add me, I am always hope to new MFP friends how are active as it helps me to stay on track as well!
  • I've lost 20 of the but have 49 to go, so I'll share. I go to Wellness Center three days a week. In between, I use barbell routine at home, plus watching TV, sit and chair and bicycle my legs for the cardio. I don't want to burnout, so I won't go to fitness center more than three days, and there I do a 30 min. stationary bicycle time, and then 30 min. on strength Nautilus machines, plus barbell routines again, including side bends holding barbells (5 lbs is all), and side twists w/barbells, and I do 100 reps each on those. You can do it. Get a close friend to do it with you. Post your results where you can see them. Enter all the calories you burn and calorie budget that you stay within the limits. I am on a 1000, and although I know "they say" tells me that's not enough, it works for me and I have more energy and strength than ever. Send me a friend message.
  • nerdymathgrrl
    nerdymathgrrl Posts: 270 Member
    I started a little over a year ago with over 100 to lose (111 to get to a "normal" BMI), and I've lost 78 so far. It's going to take me a while to lose the last 33 (or possibly more), so I'm not going anywhere. I log daily and try to support my friends the best I can--and I'm pretty good at answering questions. :smiley: Anyone feel free to send me a friend request.
  • TNFirefly
    TNFirefly Posts: 169 Member
    300+ to lose. Add me
  • KKJackson91
    KKJackson91 Posts: 69 Member
    I have 100 lbs to lose. You're welcome to add me if you would like:)
  • soccermom0814
    soccermom0814 Posts: 1 Member
    Looking for folks too, I have lost 60 total in the last 5 years but it is time to get rid of the rest before I turn 50 in 648 days.

    Support on here would be nice as I need to stay on here and accountable.
  • taloscar
    taloscar Posts: 1 Member
    Looking to do triple digits here too. Feel free to add me, I'd be happy to virtually cheer for you. :)
  • Esco5556
    Esco5556 Posts: 17 Member
    Please all feel free to add me. I have want to lose 120+...... Currently down 70