dozer60 Member


  • Probably easier fo me to say how I don't like my eggs .... RAW....
  • I am trying to keep the carbs at @ 40% .. any less I have trouble keeping the Proteins up to compensate Kcal. I am not in a major weight loss phase so Fats are not too concerning but I do need to monitor my cholesterol. We'll see what happens at the next blood analysis. A1C blew out to 7.9 because I was doing all the wrong…
  • Hello Gang, not new to MFP but new to the group. Diagnosed with T2 in 2014 and managed pretty well over the years with diet and adjustments to meds. MFP helped me with losing @12 kilos in 2014/15. I slowly put @ 6 Kilo's back on over the last 4 years and in the last year have seen my A1c spike from 7 to 7.9. Time to get…
  • Yuk Avocado, Smoked Salmon, and Poached Egg on toasted Sourdough
    in Yum or Yuck Comment by dozer60 July 2023