Macro percentages

lwcgrad Posts: 13 Member
What are you all using as your percentages for your macros as a diabetic? I don’t want to be strict keto.


  • 2t9nty
    2t9nty Posts: 1,640 Member
    I am strict keto, so I am the wrong one to respond probably. I shoot for 10 net carbs max a day.

    My counsel would be to pick a number of nets carbs as your max and stick to that. You know what will work for you. I think a fairly consistent number helps your doctor manage meds.
  • JudyValentine3
    JudyValentine3 Posts: 70 Member
    Hi. I am definitely not keto. It's my personal choice, because I find if I restrict to much of a food group, that's all I want. Also, I have a severly damaged pancreas, so I can't it too much fat without dealing with a pancreatitis attack.
    So, in an effort to keep a balanced, diabetes friendly diet I have divided my macros like this.

    Calories 1300
    Carbs 40% = 130g per day / 3 meals 1 snack
    Fat 25% = 36g per day / no more than 10g per meal
    Protien 35% = 144g per day / 3 meals per day.

    My numbers every day are doing pretty good lately, with the odd blow out day.
    My A1C hovers between 6.8 and 7.2%. I can be in that range because of my pancreas, so the doctor is okay with that. If I go below 6.8, I start to have too many lows.

    I hope this helps.
  • dozer60
    dozer60 Posts: 4 Member
    I am trying to keep the carbs at @ 40% .. any less I have trouble keeping the Proteins up to compensate Kcal. I am not in a major weight loss phase so Fats are not too concerning but I do need to monitor my cholesterol. We'll see what happens at the next blood analysis. A1C blew out to 7.9 because I was doing all the wrong things assuming the drugs were compensating hence I'm back on the MFP diary ;)