I think it also has to do with your body type and figuring out what works best for you. I found that when I paired my foods I lost weight. Yes you should cut down on carbs, however mainly highly processed carbs ie white rice, potatoes, potato chips etc. As far as the protein goes I would take it after, pair it with a fast…
Girl let me know if you are figuring anything out. I am in a similar boat!
Thanks everyone!!! Its so crazy and like we all say some days are better than others.
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
Hi everyone!!! This is my first pregnancy and it is a roller coaster. Some days I am fine other days I am an emotional wreck. I am worried about my diet. I track everything and workout six days a week. I am hungry all the dang time now and not quite sure what to do. I don't want to blow up like a balloon and end up gaining…