Vaprrenon Member


  • I had tried to look into it in the past, but (correct me if I'm wrong) it looks like you need to pay a bunch of money to join...otherwise I'd have LOVED to join it. It's a great idea, just...I'm way too poor to fork up that much money up front.
  • If it's just a case of the lazies, try and start small--something is better than nothing. Take a walk...outside, at the mall, even if it's to a food joint a mile down the road for lunch! If inactivity is due to extreme pain, like it used to be for me, definitely try to see a doctor to see if there's something you can do to…
  • I really need to lose weight but a big part of me is scared to, especially when it comes to the saggy, extra skin I know I'll end up with. It makes it hard to stay motivated when I feel I'll be even more hideous to people even if I'm healthier.
  • Don't worry about it so much--remember, your weight changes throughout the day as well. One day won't make or break you. You've got this!
  • I always hear that it helps with cramps, but I've never experienced anything it makes me hurt even more for a while.
  • How much do you exercise? It might help with some stress relief if you even just take a good walk every day. Also, when you end up with awful cravings, try drinking a full glass of water and waiting about 15 minutes. Sometimes that actually does the trick and the cravings subside.
  • I wouldn't be scared since it sounds like an isolated incident...but I know personally I'd sure be creeped out if I were in your shoes at the time, considering he pulled over his dang car (at least a passing comment on foot just feels like neighborly smalltalk)...but yeah, with this particular case I wouldn't hit the…
  • I'll give you that; I never said that feeling a bit hungry was bad. I'm just saying that when you're constantly hungry (the kind that will practically drive you nuts, not just feeling *slightly* hungry now and again), you're not going to be able to stick with anything and often go overboard eating later and that's not good…
  • It's hard to embrace hunger when it drives you absolutely crazy and all you can think about is food every day...that's the perfect setup for failure.
  • I'd seen this site ages ago and lost the name to it, thanks!
  • I have about 100 to lose and so far cutting down on my intake has been SO hard.