CryMtz Member


  • Im 5'3" at 168 lbs and have been told to stay between 1200-1500 cal a day, maybe the question I should be asking is how many calories a day is recommended for me to loose weight.
  • Thank you, I am realizing I'm going to have to do a lot of logging and researching to figure out what I'm doing and what I need to do.
  • Thank you!
  • I do sit at a desk all day long, however I do Crossfit 5 days a week and run 3+ miles on Sundays. I been doing crossfit and running and met with a nutritionist and follow her advice (no processed foods, cut back on sugars from fruit and 1200-1500 cal a day) for 9 months lost zero lbs. My body had changed but the scale has…
  • Thank you, I guess this will be hard then I thought. I was hoping someone could just tell me how much to eat of things and I would listen and BAMM! have results...
  • Okay, so if I don't eat anything from a box, can or container that has serving size or calorie counts. I should just research each raw item to see how many calories they have per gram? And then decide how many grams I am going to eat?
  • I understand that, but I would think there would be a base line for weight loss especially of the main items including lean meat and grains like brown rice or quinoa. I can measure out what I already eat and see what it is but what I am eating now isn't working so some guidelines would help.
  • Im down! I am also new to MFP so please let me know what I need to do.
  • Thank you all for the helpful advice, I guess I better get a scale and start weighting my food, to get accuracy. Its seems like I may be eating more then I think I am. Wish me Luck!
    in HELP!!! Comment by CryMtz November 2014
  • Some people say that as long as physically I'm getting smaller weight shouldn't matter. But I am 5'3" at 168 lbs and medically still considered obese. I really think the scale should be moving.
    in HELP!!! Comment by CryMtz November 2014
  • I have gone down two dress sizes. But the scale has not moved. I am currently consuming between 1200-1500 calories (that's not weighting the food, just logging based on cups or serving size).
    in HELP!!! Comment by CryMtz November 2014
  • The nutritionist cleared my diet of all processed food and lowered my sugars. I have been following her advice for months. I have not yet started weighting my food but have been trying hard to monitor and log everything.
    in HELP!!! Comment by CryMtz November 2014