Okay I have a couple questions to start...1. I do Crossfit Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday & Saturday. Also Run 3+ Miles on Sundays. Is that enough or should I add more cardio? I'm looking to loose weight and get tone. 2. Should I drink protein after Crossfit workouts? If so what kind? I am currently drinking EAS Lean and Tone protein after ever crossfit workout. I have met with a nutritionist and been working out 6+ days a week and have lost ZERO lbs in 9 months.....HELP!!!


  • mustloseweight2015
    What did you nutritionist say? Is your calorie intake monitored. I was in a similar boat. I didn't work out as much as you, but I was running 3+ miles 4-5 days a week but wasn't losing weight for months. It all came down to calorie intake. If you consume more calories than you burn, the weight won't come off. Once I started logging my calories (just 15 days ago) accurately, without cheating, and without estimate (I try to weight the food or in other way figure out accurate calorie count), I have already lost 7 lbs just in the last 15 days.
  • CryMtz
    CryMtz Posts: 21 Member
    The nutritionist cleared my diet of all processed food and lowered my sugars. I have been following her advice for months. I have not yet started weighting my food but have been trying hard to monitor and log everything.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Have you measured to see if you are losing inches?

    If you haven't lost anything in 9 months, you must not have a consistent calorie deficit. I would suggest eating a little less, rather than working out more. That seems like plenty of exercise.
  • CryMtz
    CryMtz Posts: 21 Member
    I have gone down two dress sizes. But the scale has not moved. I am currently consuming between 1200-1500 calories (that's not weighting the food, just logging based on cups or serving size).
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    edited November 2014
    by not weighing you may be eating 10-50% more than you think you are, depending on what it is you measure instead of weigh.

    With the amount you workout you should be losing on 1500+ calories, so I don't think you need less, if anything try being more accurate with weighing.
  • CryMtz
    CryMtz Posts: 21 Member
    Some people say that as long as physically I'm getting smaller weight shouldn't matter. But I am 5'3" at 168 lbs and medically still considered obese. I really think the scale should be moving.
  • tracymayo1
    tracymayo1 Posts: 445 Member
    well if you aren't using a scale to weigh your food - then you really don't know how much you are eating.
    - If you are not losing weight than you are not eating at a deficit.
    - You are toning your muscles and reshaping your body which isn't a bad thing! But if you want to lose, you need to eat less than you burn. 3500 calories = 1 pound.
    - Get a scale, weigh your solids. Measure your liquids. don't rely on serving sizes - they are almost never accurate.
  • roz112
    roz112 Posts: 77 Member
    CryMtz wrote: »
    I have gone down two dress sizes. But the scale has not moved. I am currently consuming between 1200-1500 calories (that's not weighting the food, just logging based on cups or serving size).

    Maybe your weight has not gone down because you have more muscle definition. I think you should be more focused on your size. Measure your body with a measuring tape every few weeks in order to track your results.
  • melindacronin
    the scale is not a good measurement. Inches are more important. You may actually be gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time so your weight may not be changing but your body composition is . Also, doing weight training over cardio is a much more efficient way to burn fat. Cardio hurts muscles so if you do too much, you could be counterproductive .
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    CryMtz wrote: »
    I have gone down two dress sizes. But the scale has not moved. I am currently consuming between 1200-1500 calories (that's not weighting the food, just logging based on cups or serving size).

    If you've lost 2 dress sizes, why worry about the scale? Isn't getting smaller the real goal?
    Have you weighed on more than one scale? Losing 2 dress sizes without losing any weight is unusual. Not impossible, but unusual.
  • CryMtz
    CryMtz Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you all for the helpful advice, I guess I better get a scale and start weighting my food, to get accuracy. Its seems like I may be eating more then I think I am. Wish me Luck!
  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good anecdote about serving sizes that actually turned out to be me eating less than I expected rather than more.

    I got a food scale, and a tin of kidney beans. The tin said "1/2 cup = 113g = 1 serving. About 3.5 servings per can."

    I weighed out 113g, and it was huge. HUGE. It left exactly 90g in the can meaning there were less than TWO actual servings. I stood there in my kitchen with a stupid look on my face wondering if I'd ever properly learned how to use a scale.

    Unless it is fluid ounces, always use weight instead of cup measurements. Cup measurements are notoriously wildly inaccurate <insert boob joke here>.

    I am with everyone else though. You're eating more than you believe you are. If you were in a calorie deficit, there would be no possible way to be either gaining, or maintaining eight.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    CryMtz wrote: »
    Thank you all for the helpful advice, I guess I better get a scale and start weighting my food, to get accuracy. Its seems like I may be eating more then I think I am. Wish me Luck!

    Best of luck to you. But, if you are getting smaller, you are losing fat and in a deficit, no matter what the scale says.