khemistrygirl Member


  • also, stop with the lean meats (unless you are just eating through what is left in your fridge). Or put some butter/cheese on it. Lean meats are less useful in keto. Higher fat meat helps adjust your fat grams up (which hopefully results in you getting full and not eating so much damn protein).
  • Your protein seems toohigh. I ran you through a very popular calculator, assuming you are moderately active since you're a 19 year old guy at a normal weight (adjust as needed): It's pretty funny, since when I plug in your numbers a picture comes up that says "Your Protein is Too Damn…
  • Oh and I find the <100g protein easily done - I can have eggs at breakfast, chicken at lunch, and steak/fish for dinner and still be under this number. I don't often even have that much protein. Some have to watch it more closely because they are used to large portion sizes of protein. So, with that in mind, it may be…
  • I would listen to what deansdad101 has to say for long-term planning. My general impression is that very obese women and most men can get away with eating simply <30g carbs and <100g protein and have fantastic losses at first without calorie counting. The general trend I've seen (both personally and across the many low…
  • And this is why I don't talk about my diet with high-carbers. I'm tired of hearing how I'm wrecking my health. All measures of health have improved (weight, energy, skin, LDL), yet I'm going to drop dead any minute if I keep eating bacon. My brain is starving for carbs? My brain loves ketones!
  • I stay away from bars and low carb dessert-type products. Always a bad time. When I want something sweet, I mix 1-2 T cocunut oil, 1-2 packets splenda, 2 t cocoa powder (unsweetened), and 2 T heavy cream. I make a little bit of high fat pudding this way. It keeps my macros happy for fat % and feels completely decadent. I…
  • Thanks everyone! I found some old pineapple chunks in the back of my freezer. I had just one little chunk with 1oz of cheese. Didn't throw me off at all and I savored it ;) I tried some pineapple flavoring, but it just didn't do the job :(
  • did you set 299 as your goal? It might be switching you to maintenance cals. I think you can reset your goals in the custom goal menu.
  • I count carbs differently: I limit carbs from fruit, dairy, treats, nuts, olives, avocado, etc to 10g per day For veggies (induction type veggies), I have unlimited carbs (which doesn't always add up to much) according to my hunger. Usually I'm around 20-50 total depending on availability of veggies. I also track protein…
  • Looking for Low-Carb/ketogenic friends (others are welcome too, as long as they don't bash my butter consumption)