


  • tq33702
    tq33702 Posts: 121 Member
    Maybe you'll like this:
    Eat Fat And Grow Slim
    And these vids:
    Welcome to LCHF!
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    edited November 2014
    tq33702 wrote: »
    Maybe you'll like this:
    Eat Fat And Grow Slim
    And these vids:
    Welcome to LCHF!

    Only looked at the first video (EF&GS) which appears to be at least 6 years old.

    Unless he's changed his opinion (and advice) regarding saturated fats in the interim (he's against),
    I'd find another source to recommend. There are PLENTY of them out there.

    The "science" is far from settled on any number of issues but on this one (sat fats) it's not only compelling but approaching consensus (if not already there) among the top researchers.

    Saturated fats need NOT be AVOIDED - in fact they "should" (must?) be included.

    BUTTER ON.......

  • tq33702
    tq33702 Posts: 121 Member
    angelic843 wrote: »
    As a LCHF person, do you pay any attention at all to caloric intake?

    Right now I am exclusively watching my carb count and macro percentages.
    (attempting to keeping my carbs at or under 20%, shooting for 30 grams of protein per meal)

    I am very new to this way of eating. I listen to the Jimmy Moore show, but his topics are very advanced and specific so I am just looking for a bit of guidance.

    Thanks for any help, guidance, or opinions.


    Hello, Angela!
    Besides the book,
    Eat Fat And Grow Slim
    written in 1958 and 1960:

    There are many more...
    Gary Taubes; Phinney and Volek;
    Eric Westman; Weston A Price, etc.

    And the Reddit Keto FAQ:

    Here's another vid from uTube:
    Eat More Fat? -- Amazing Results

    I had a bunch of boiled bacon over
    the day yesterday...
    just the right macros for me:
    Fat:70% Protein: 29% Carbs: >1%

    Fat satisfied the appetite, kept me
    warm and happy.

    Congrats on getting thru the naysayers
    to get here, the best success to you!
  • khemistrygirl
    khemistrygirl Posts: 11 Member
    I would listen to what deansdad101 has to say for long-term planning. My general impression is that very obese women and most men can get away with eating simply <30g carbs and <100g protein and have fantastic losses at first without calorie counting. The general trend I've seen (both personally and across the many low carb forums) is that most women (and some men) get to a point where they may stop losing if don't watch the overall calorie count. More often than not, what causes stalls or gains is more about "cheats," "slips," and carb creep. It's very easy to get a lot of hidden carbs from eating out too often as well. I would focus on planning meals, counting carbs, and keeping it simple for the first 6 months if you have a lot to lose. Ultimately, the biggest concern is jumping off the wagon rather than fine tuning the macros at first.
  • khemistrygirl
    khemistrygirl Posts: 11 Member
    Oh and I find the <100g protein easily done - I can have eggs at breakfast, chicken at lunch, and steak/fish for dinner and still be under this number. I don't often even have that much protein. Some have to watch it more closely because they are used to large portion sizes of protein. So, with that in mind, it may be possible to be initially successful simply counting carbs alone.
  • sickandfat
    sickandfat Posts: 69 Member
    Hi to all, I have enjoyed reading all the ideas here and I have not been doing LCHF long enough to really add any good advice.

    I am going to a diet doctor and he says that everyone is different and many have health problems and have to take meds. for their health problems. All of which can play a part into adjusting to a LCHF diet. He is a big fan of Phinney and Volek and Eric Westman. He says that they are the real thing.

    I have been on a LCHF diet now for about 2 months and have only lost 12 lbs. so far. To me that is a whole lot slower than I thought I would lose.

    I had read about people going LCHF and lost a bunch of weight really fast?

    My doctor says that it will work but can be a slower trip for some to get there and in the long run may be better to lose at a slower pace.

    Everyone is different and everyone is on different meds. everyone is at different ages also.

    So all I can add at this time is, DO NOT GIVE UP, I am told that it will work.

    All of you have such great ideas and I am so glad to be a part of this group. Thanks to all of you for being there for everyone.
  • deansdad101
    deansdad101 Posts: 644 Member
    edited November 2014
    sickandfat wrote: »
    Hi to all, I have enjoyed reading all the ideas here and I have not been doing LCHF long enough to really add any good advice.

    I am going to a diet doctor and he says that everyone is different and many have health problems and have to take meds. for their health problems. All of which can play a part into adjusting to a LCHF diet. He is a big fan of Phinney and Volek and Eric Westman. He says that they are the real thing.

    I have been on a LCHF diet now for about 2 months and have only lost 12 lbs. so far. To me that is a whole lot slower than I thought I would lose.

    I had read about people going LCHF and lost a bunch of weight really fast?

    My doctor says that it will work but can be a slower trip for some to get there and in the long run may be better to lose at a slower pace.

    Everyone is different and everyone is on different meds. everyone is at different ages also.

    So all I can add at this time is, DO NOT GIVE UP, I am told that it will work.

    All of you have such great ideas and I am so glad to be a part of this group. Thanks to all of you for being there for everyone.

    12 pounds in 2 months (8 weeks) is 1.5#/week.

    That's very near the MAX "recommended" in ANY diet (and EXCELLENT results in your case.

    The difference is - you are NOT JUST "losing weight" but the chances of you keeping it off (if you stay faithful to LCHF) are MANY TIMES greater than those on any of the "miracle diets".

    Not to mention that as important as weight reduction is - it's the glucose/insulin numbers that REALLY matter.

    Most recent estimates are the 95% of those on any flavor of CICO/exercise "wonder" diet - FAIL to sustain past 12 months.

    So, when they trumpet the "I lost 100 pounds in 2 days...." nonsense you need not say anything except (under your breath) -
    "Come see me in a year and we'll talk".

    Keep up the good work and remember - slow and steady wins........

  • sickandfat
    sickandfat Posts: 69 Member
    Thank you so much deansdad, You made my day! You have helped me so much to understand LCHF. I can't wait to maybe one day to be off the Metformin for my sugar. I am trying hard to get more healthy. My doctor said that he will do a blood test again around Dec. or Jan. I am really looking forward to seeing those results. Hope they are better than when I first started. I am getting more used to a slower weight loss. After all if this works for me, then it will be a lifetime change. My fingers are crossed. Ha! Ha!