

  • Thankyou, still going and am on my part 2 of my journey now.
  • I am in Brissie too........
  • Thanks I read up about that prior to surgery and asked the surgeon for it and he refused (no shock there huh) to give it to me. He said don't worry Thyroxine is exactly the same (again I know it isn't). I am stuck with him till my 6 week post op visit so will stay on the Tyroxine till my first blood test then I think I…
  • The doc said up to 6 months to get levels right, hopefully not that long and not too much gain while waiting. Yes it is a great feeling losing weight and it is very hard work. I am used to the hard work and will continue to do it but am happy to slow it down a bit now (have no choice anyway haha). I have only gained a…
  • When I found out I had to have my TT I was already very overweight and everything I read about hypothyroidism was weight gain. I thought how the hell am I going to manage getting even bigger so that was my kick start. When I went to the surgeon he said I had to lose weight prior to surgery and kept going on about my…
  • I am so glad to read you have done well with weight loss after Thyroid removal. I had mine removed 13 days ago and just started on 100mg Thyroxine and will increase over time. My doc said to expect to gain some until my levels are sorted. I have been eating lowcal and exercising prior and lost 51kg (112 pounds) this year…