

  • I'm down 25 & wanting to lose about another 25lbs. I'm not terribly concerned about how many lbs per week, as long as I'm losing regularly. I've been eating 1300 (give or take) for a month now with no binges or real deviation from diet (minus one night of drinks & dinner out). I do not have a heart rate monitor…
  • It makes you hungrier because it does actually start your metabolism...meaning what you eat is burned off, leaving you hungry for a mid morning snack (also known as small meal #2, if you eat 6 times per day, which is also a way to boost metabolism.) that said, I don't think anyone should force themselves to eat, I agree to…
  • I realize it's normal, but it drives me crazy lol. Thanks all for the encouragement :)
  • I'm so sorry to hear about your mother, I can imagine I'd be in the same mindset as you! I also tend to eat more (or at least more unhealthy) when I am stressed out. What helps me is when I'm feeling a snack attack, I ask myself if its my stomach that's hungry or if I'm just bored/stressed/whatever. I will chug a big cold…
  • Forget what anyone says! Your family should be the ones motivating you, not discouraging you. Sorry that you have to deal with that! The dress thing sucks, but try to channel that frustration into determination. Be nice to yourself & when you're feeling badly just say "it's ok" & do your best to not dwell on the crappy…
  • Going through the same exact thing! Seems like the days I do well & stay under my calorie intake are the days I "gain" that water weight. SO annoying!! Keep your head up & keep going! I agree with taking your measurements as a way to stay motivated. Most days, the measurments are what keep me going!! :smile: