Any change in weight, whether up or down, requires a change in your mindset. I like to eat clean, unprocessed foods, but to be honest I am having a very difficult time meeting my calorie goals on just meat and vegetables. While I admire your dedication to your child's future eating habits, you have to take care of *you*…
Add more meals to your day. Eat light breakfast and lunch if that's what you need to do to stay alert, but add more to your evening meal, and add a before bed snack that's calorie dense. I find snacking on chocolate works for me... I don't feel very full after eating them, and they're calorie heavy. I'm usually 300-600…
At this point, eating so far below maintenance (and you're trying to gain!) you need to take the calories where you can get them. You need fuel. All the healthy clean eating in the world isn't going to help your health if you starve to death from lack of fuel. Work on getting yourself to the point where you can eat your…
The animals are sold by weight to the slaughterhouse. The get dollars per pound whether it's meat or water retention. The grocery store does the same thing after the slaughterhouse too... check in the chicken section for raw poultry with possible "water added" on the label. When the store charges you $3.99 a pound for…
Talk to your doctor. I hope you're not trying to self-treat something as serious as this. You're probably going to be hitting a stage soon where your body is going to want to start repairing itself and you're going to end up napping a lot as a result. When you're sleeping, you can't eat. That quick turnaround is going to…
Your substitute is going to depend on what you're using it in. If you're looking for something to hold a sandwich together, or moisten it, yogurt will work if you're looking to reduce fat. If you're looking to replace the fat calories with something more healthy and not necessarily reduce calories from fat, then mashed…
It's not so much that I dislike pharmaceuticals so much as our doctors a) don't listen because they're rushed through their day, b) tend to just throw chemical pills at us to treat symptoms rather than try to get to the root cause of an illness and treat that instead and c) are undereducated on nutrition
I have an autistic child and I'm a stay at home mom. I wear yoga pants and tees most of the time... I don't measure the length of what's left of the drawstring, lol.
Hope it helps! Stir it less often if you like a chunkier texture like I see in your photos. :D
I've been doing freezer cooking/Once-A-Month cooking for years.... way before I got concerned about nutrition... because it's way cheaper and more convenient than the "cook each meal" approach. The beauty is you can do it when you have the energy/time/feel less lazy, and reap the benefits long after. With ground beef as…
If you are afraid of taking an in-person class, or don't have an instructor within a reasonable distance, Xbox fitness has two Yoga classes and one Tai-chi class. They are reasonably priced or free if you have Xbox gold subscription, and you get feedback on your form in the comfort of your living room. Personally I feel it…
If you need gluten-free oats (processed in a dedicated facility so there won't be wheat contamination) due to a wheat gluten sensitivity for celiac or other medical reasons, I recommend Bob's Red Mill here in the US. They have rolled or steel cut. Hodgeson's Mill is another brand that makes an effort to keep their oats…
I found it difficult to maintain. I was tired of cooking all the time, and managed to gain an allergy to shrimp in the process because they're plentiful here on the gulf and a quick protein fix. I wouldn't say it's a fad, but it definitely takes an adjustment the way vegetarianism would. Check out the "Nom Nom Paleo" blog…
Your body has fat cells, and they're located where they're located and they're not going to move. Just as you cannot target specific areas of your body for weight loss, you cannot target specific areas for weight gain (much as I would like to add more weight to my bust, and not my hips, that's not going to happen!) You…
The problem is that schools have cut programs like Home Ec because they're out of the budget or not politically correct. It's infuriating. It's no wonder everyone eats processed food. Betty Crocker cookbook... I think they're on the 10th edition by now. Has a lot of basics at the beginning of each chapter, techniques with…
Look for what's on sale in your store right now... for me, here, it's chicken. 10lb bag of leg quarters, split it up into individual servings using freezer bags and freeze, or roast them all on a cookie sheet at once and freeze them cooked. Pull one out of the freezer each time you eat one so you have one thawed. Or simmer…
Full-grown raw spinach. Baby spinach I can handle, but my husband screwed up and brought home large-leaf spinach last grocery trip. I choke it down for my salads but it's so tough it's like chewing on grass clippings. :/
For LolBroScience: Kefir is a cultured milk product, made much the same way yogurt is. Link for info: Jessieqaz: I've not made my own kefir, but I have made my own yogurt. With yogurt, the amount of milkfat affects the firmness and texture of the final product.... ie. if you use low fat…
I am also five foot eight and had a recent scare with how much weight I've lost. Go see a doctor. There could be an underlying issue as to why you lost weight without trying. For me it was a combination of salivary stones (painful swelling every time I ate) combined with the resulting stress and panic attacks from not…
Stress will affect your TOM, as does your weight. So worrying about it will only make it worse. Also, I'm not sure if I'm interpreting your original post correctly, but being on birth control pills will not affect your ability to conceive in the future, nor will being underweight now, so long as you get back to a healthy…