tbelle_g Member


  • I agree this is not a matter of respect. These folks hardly know me yet, I've only been there for 3 weeks. Inviting me to lunch is their friendly way of trying to include me and taking time to chat, etc. So to decline their invitation feels like I'm being unsociable and sending the wrong message to them. To avoid this I…
  • I forgot to mention that eating out is quite expensive! That is another reason I feel uncomfortable buying lunch so often, since the food is usually way overpriced. A big salad is over ten dollars with a drink. But you guys know this. I work in IT operations and I think it's a culture thing. Bringing your own lunch is just…
  • Nutella doesn't count as a healthful nut butter, IMO. Nutella has chocolate, sugar, and other stuff added to it, I heard somewhere it has trans fats. I am ONLY talking about all-natural nut butter or sunflower seed butter, all delicious!
  • I use a knife to spread it on toast or ricecakes, and usually just eye-ball it. I buy the high quality nut butters from trader joe's or some other health-food brand with no added sugars. I'll try reducing to just 1 large tablespoon instead of 2.
  • Personally I think Clean Eating can be more affordable than non-clean eating. Most fast food places charge $6-$10 for a small meal that is high in fat and artificial junk. I've been cooking more often and here are some cheap "clean" staples: beans, frozen vegetable packages rice potatoes mushrooms eggs low fat cheese…