bobschmidt21 Member


  • You’re probably losing fat but retaining more water. Pretty common. It happened to me throughout my fat loss phase. That could be why your face looks thinner but the scale isn’t moving. As long as you’re eating at a calorie deficit you will lose fat. If another week goes by with no change, try dropping your daily calories…
  • Focus on lean protein in your main dish. Most places have some kind of steamed or seasonal veggies to get as a side.
  • There’s a product called Gouch you can buy at the health food store. You can buy it in liquid form or capsule form. I like the capsules. It’s made from tart cherry juice which helps with overall inflation. Ive struggled with hereditary gout. My dad had it and my two brothers also struggle with it. In the last few years…
    in Gout Comment by bobschmidt21 August 2022
  • That’s what it’s all about! As long as it fits in your calorie goal then you’re good. Food should be a reward and withholding food should never be a punishment. We should feel good about food.
  • Yes and No. You can as a beginner. It’s possible to see some significant muscle growth as your burn through fat stores when youre starting out. But over time you’ll see diminishing returns. The truth is your body needs to be in a calorie surplus in order for it to have enough raw material to repair and build muscle. But in…
  • Going to bed hungry can be hard psychologically and after a while can feel like torture. Maintenance should be about recovery and getting back to normal and if you’re hungry it might mean you need to eat more. (You could also be dehydrated). One thing I’ve been doing for a long time is having a high protein snack before…
  • Water weight messed me up more than anything. If you’re eating at a calorie deficit then you’re probably still losing fat, but your body might be retaining more water. Water is fairly heavy. Stress can also cause your body to hold on to fat. Try to normalize your water intake-drink roughly the same amount per day and try…
  • Hi, Here is one thing you can do to stretch your hips. Kneel down on the floor with one knee touching the ground and your opposite foot flat on the floor in front of you. (Take a knee). Then push your hips forward. You should feel a stretch down the front of your back leg. Hold for a few seconds and then switch legs.…