9voice9 Member


  • 42.47% of goal 01-May: 6.51 miles 02-May: 6.70 miles 03-May: 3.30 miles 04-May: 6.70 miles 05-May: 6.65 miles 06-May: 10.91 miles - inc All About Animals 10.2K 6.33 miles 07-May: <Life Day> 08-May: 9.46 miles 09-May: 5.81 miles 10-May: 11-May: 9.25 miles (Double Day w/Sun Screen) 12-May: 6.09 miles 13-May: - Race Day…
  • Report on this morning's run: it was good! Didn't actually go to sleep earlier, but I think the added calories, plus a rest day, helped a lot.
  • Thanks to @WhatMeRunning, @Elise4270, @Orphia, @ddmom0811, @autumnblade75, @MobyCarp for the conversation/support. I went to bed a hair earlier last night, took today off from running, didn't track my food here but bumped the intake up a bit (not crazy, I don't think), and I'm gonna try to hit the sack earlier tonight too.…
  • Went back and looked at my "men's 50+ daily vitamin" and it has like 150% of RDA on B6, and 300% on B12, so I don't know that I need more, or that it would be of any benefit.
  • 1 - not really. In fact, it's been cooler these last few mornings. 2 - not any more than usual for mid-Georgia. We live in a sauna (sometimes hot, sometimes cold, but always humid). 3 - just got back on the MFP food-tracking bandwagon, so prob the bod is re-adjusting to a different calorie intake load. 4 - I've stayed on…
  • And I completely understand, and don't expect anything other than some ideas and some commiseration. :wink: According to the Strava data, I had an upwards trend in F&F thru my sub-30 5K last fall, and then it went down a good ways thru December (as I didn't run much while in Japan), trended upwards thru February (thru a…
  • Okay - reviewing my Strava report on Fitness and Freshness, I do see a downward trend recently. How do I need to address that? I will say that my avg pace has been slowing (high minutes/mile), and it feels like I can't sustain the effort as well lately...
  • I find that music, unless VERY carefully planned and strictly beat-categorized, makes me go too fast. I've learned to prefer to use either podcasts or audiobooks.
  • 13-May: Battle of Byron 5K, GEICO/Special Olympics 5K (Macon), Back the Blue Glow Run 5K/10K (Warner Robins) Just FYI.
  • Last p.s. for the month - did a 15K Saturday, and placed 2nd in the A/G.
  • Got the first miles in for this month: 6.51. I was thinking about some newer shoes, but both pairs in the rotation only have about 150 @, so I guess I've got time. But I gotta say, I hate the way the Reeboks look on my feet....
  • Please don't let folks with more mileage make you feel intimidated. Most of us high-mileage folks (whether on the road or on the calendar!) have been doing this for awhile, and ALL of us started with one mile at a time. Be welcome!
  • 100.89% of goal 01-Apr: 8.61 miles - Run 2 End Alzheimer's 10.5K plus warm-ups 02-Apr: <Life Day> 03-Apr: 3.45 miles 04-Apr: 9.30 miles 05-Apr: 3.52 miles 06-Apr: 6.75 miles 07-Apr: 6.30 miles 08-Apr: 13.25 miles 09-Apr: <Life Day> 10-Apr: 11-Apr: 11.50 miles 12-Apr: 3.35 miles 13-Apr: 6.84 miles 14-Apr: 6.80 miles 15-Apr:…
  • I'm down for my 169 (working on running the year!). So far, so good.
  • When you're in Georgia - give me a holler. It'd be fun to meet up for something. I'm in Macon/Warner Robins (middle of the state).
  • I've recommended these a few times: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0047Y1HMK/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  • I'm finding that I'm so acclimated to running at dark-thirty in the morning that running any other time is a real chore. Especially if it's the end of the day - lunch time is usually fairly doable, but evenings are pretty much "embrace the suck". Of course, that means that 13-May is just gonna be a barrel of laughs, with a…
  • It's worth it to go find a good running store, and let them fit you for a pair - letting them help you know whether you're a neutral, or a pronator, or whatever will help in the future. You will likely feel more-or-less obligated to purchase a pair, but if they're a really good store, they're at least as interested in…
  • Here's what I use: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008F0JL3Y/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 It packs up into its own pocket, so I just throw it into my run bag, leave it out to dry if I use it, and then pack it away again. It's labelled as water-resistant (not waterproof), but that's sufficient for my…
  • 86.28% of goal 01-Apr: 8.61 miles - Run 2 End Alzheimer's 10.5K plus warm-ups 02-Apr: <Life Day> 03-Apr: 3.45 miles 04-Apr: 9.30 miles 05-Apr: 3.52 miles 06-Apr: 6.75 miles 07-Apr: 6.30 miles 08-Apr: 13.25 miles 09-Apr: <Life Day> 10-Apr: 11-Apr: 11.50 miles 12-Apr: 3.35 miles 13-Apr: 6.84 miles 14-Apr: 6.80 miles 15-Apr:…
  • In 8 weeks, whether you've reached your dream goal or not, as long as you've put in consistent work, you'll be a LOT better than you are today. Be smart, be realistic and be active. Change is difficult, but doable. Your boys, and more importantly, YOU will be proud of the person you'll become.
  • Okay - I need/want folks to let us know: You BOSTON MARATHONERS ("hey, you guys!"). Give us bib numbers or real names so we can stalk follow you Monday. I have to be at work, but that's why I have a smart phone, right? I've got a friend from work who's also doing it, so I need all y'all's digits (or whatever).
  • 47.14% of goal 01-Apr: 8.61 miles - Run 2 End Alzheimer's 10.5K plus warm-ups 02-Apr: <Life Day> 03-Apr: 3.45 miles 04-Apr: 9.30 miles 05-Apr: 3.52 miles 06-Apr: 6.75 miles 07-Apr: 6.30 miles 08-Apr: 13.25 miles 09-Apr: <Life Day> 10-Apr: 11-Apr: 11.50 miles 12-Apr: 3.35 miles 13-Apr: 6.84 miles 14-Apr: 6.80 miles 15-Apr:…
  • Thanks! They're okay now (didn't really notice them another couple days past my post. I guess we'll see - I have the track workout again this (coming) week....
  • 18.72% of goal 01-Apr: 8.61 miles - Run 2 End Alzheimer's 10.5K plus warm-ups 02-Apr: <Life Day> 03-Apr: 3.45 miles 04-Apr: 9.30 miles 05-Apr: 3.52 miles 06-Apr: 6.75 miles 07-Apr: 08-Apr: 09-Apr: <Life Day> 10-Apr: 11-Apr: 12-Apr: 13-Apr: 14-Apr: 15-Apr: 16-Apr: <Life Day> 17-Apr: 18-Apr: 19-Apr: 20-Apr: 21-Apr: 22-Apr:…
  • Just a note - did the dreadmill this morning because the weather. Still hate that damn machine.... Got a question. Been running since '08 (but didn't run, like, at all, in '10 and part of '11). This is the first time (that I've noticed) that my quads are sore. The only thing I've done different is a track workout last…
  • @angmarie28 - I'll echo @garygse's comments. I've gone from hating running, and needing fuel and hydration throughout a 3-mile run, to now only doing fuel for long runs (> 1.5 hours). I also run first thing, and the only thing I take in is a cup of coffee, and I always wait until it's had it's gastro-intestinal effect…
  • @HonuNui - You and your family are in my prayers. And as someone who has chosen an exercise- and life-style that lends itself to LOTS of outdoors-ness, I take your instruction to heart, and definitely keep sunblock in my run kit (and use it!).
  • The month hasn't EVEN started, and we're already 3 pages in.... In for 168.08 again this month. Same it's gonna be every month in 2017. Kinda reminds me of...