tmn2016 Member


  • My goal for the week now is to have only healthy snacks, no bread (my downfall)! I took a pic of myself 2 weeks ago and I'm starting to see how good I look and i don't want to lose sight of that great feeling!! Gotta do it! We call ALL do it!!
  • Actually chatting here has helped me too!! I have the last 10 dreaded lbs to go and I slipped last weekend and gained 2 lbs because I was really bad! At least I recognize why the scale went the other way!! It's totally my fault. But I guess sometimes we need to just allow ourselves to be a little "bad" as long as we get…
  • I only do it after every 10lbs so that I can see a difference. Every week might frustrate you. Do a pic now with your camera and the save the pic. Then maybe 1 month later take another pic and put it side by side with the old pic so you can compare. After a few months you will notice a huge difference and go WOW!!
  • What if you took a pic of yourself? This is just so you can see what you look like but then imagine yourself how you want to be! I had to see myself so that I could tell myself "NO MORE". Picture yourself thin and healthy and then tell yourself "I want to be healthy and thinner, I can do this". Take one meal at a time and…
  • Got up early this morning and did yoga. Going to walk dog in a little bit but that will be it for the day. Awful crazy week with co worker from out of town here so I couldn't workout like I wanted. She's gone now but I'm spending my weekend at a baseball field followed by a basketball tournament (unfortunately my son's so…
  • one thing that this challenge has helped me is to be more confident and have a "you can do it" attitude. The squat challenge was awesome and i plan on continuing with it. I know it will help me with my buns in the long run. I didn't think that i could do it, but now, I'm on it!! Nutritionally, i am now more interested in…
  • ok boxing and mexican hat dance done! Need to find time to workout this week (hard when you have to spend time entertaining visitors at work). So no lunch time break and at night I have to take her out to dinner UGH. So tough week for me regarding exercising and eating well. :(
  • so my plans to have a nice Mediterranean dinner fell through but i managed to have sliced tomatoes with fresh mozzarella and a nice pasta dinner with diced roma tomatoes, onions, herbs (like a marinara sauce). It was very tasty! So tomato challenge now completed!
  • Had yellow and red grape tomatoes as a snack. The yellow or "zuma" tomatoes r delicious!
  • My goal is to increase water consumption. I struggle to drink 6 cups. Well I want 8 this week!! So far so good (actually had 9 today) but now it's back to the bathroom again ugh!
  • I'm on it!
  • @hawkins410 just trying to relieve stress without turning to food! I'm glad that I'm learning to just get the sneakers on and go for a brisk walk instead of bread or chocolate! Things should slow down next week at work but going out of the country for 3 days so might not be able to login as I like. Depends on wifi…
  • Maybe try Pilates or yoga for now? Something low impact that keeps you motivated
  • Have you asked your mom to help you by making healthier foods at dinner time? If she's not on board I agree, make smaller portions, look for healthier alternatives to eat for dinner. I can't imagine a mother not wanting to help her daughter lose weight
  • Sorry if I missed something here but are we supposed to count the amount of "colors" and enter that on the nutritional spreadsheet or that would be for the number of points? I eat tomatoes, mixed berries and some type of veggie every day so that should be an easy one to achieve. Just need to know how to account for it
  • We are almost there! Goal for tomorrow is to take dog for a walk and go to my spin class so I should get about 120 min tomorrow. Happy Friday everyone!
  • Hey team! Well at least able to workout today. Great spinning class and nice walk with the dog! Tomorrow is light day for me so not much exercising which will help with sore muscles from today's class (legs r killing me) not sure if I can do squats tonite
  • Arm sore but exercise- done squats- done Greek food - done no white flour/bread - done exercise - done not a bad day!
  • Did the arm challenge and continue with squat challenge. Also 150min of workout. So far so good. Ate Greek yogurt does that count towards Greek food? I normally don't eat feta cheese, olives etc... How is everyone doing? Tough day at work and I still have to go back to laptop and work some more but I will get there
  • Hi my name is Jessica from Western NY. I have a husband and a 16 yr old (God help me lol) and a German shepherd that keeps me on my toes. Gained a lot of weight when I was going for my masters so now it's time to get my life back and get healthy. Had Achilles problems so running is out of question but trying to get back to…
    in Team 6 Comment by tmn2016 March 2016
  • I'm ready to rock! I see a tab for team 6 but nothing in it. Do we start placing our code name in it?
    in Team 6 Comment by tmn2016 March 2016
  • Let's do this! I'm definitely in
  • As far as group name what about "thinpossible" or The Meltaways or Lost Cause?
    in Team 6 Comment by tmn2016 March 2016
  • Hi team excited to be here and get losing (pounds that is)!
    in Team 6 Comment by tmn2016 March 2016
  • I still don't have a team....
  • Really appreciated! This is very organized
  • Hi I don't see my name on a team (tmn2016)
  • Hello everyone! Jessica here from NY. I've been doing pretty good with my weight loss journey as long as I can keep being held accountable. I hope this group will keep me motivated to get to the finish line (27 lbs to go)
  • Hi count me in! I need someone to keep pushing me!
  • @katsmo is dead on! Starvation mode is a myth. It all boils down to simple math: calories in - calories out=gain or lose