meganhewkin Member


  • - I'm actually 19, only just turned 19 so put 18 by accident. I have an appointment to be weighed and checked this Saturday morning with my GP. I shall see if she will refear me to a dietitian.. But because my weight according to the scales is fine giving me a BMI in the "healthy range" they don't seem to be too concerned.
  • thankfully my doctors have an open waiting room from 8am till lunch time Monday to Friday so I don't have to wait several weeks to see someone :) - thanks to everyone who's replied! Every reply has been helpful!
  • I have been to see my doctor I just wondered if anyone else had exeprienced a similar situation and what they did to get it back :)
  • This is my diet / exercise routine from Monday to Friday.. If anyone could point out what they think may be the problem if would be much appreciated! :smile: Wake up at 6:45 - I'll have 80g banana and 50g Greek style yogurt 7:15 - feed then clean out two horses and check other life stock 8:15 - arrive back home and I'll…
  • The doctor didn't seem to concerned when I went two months ago and told me to returned in three months time if I still haven't had my period. I put up this post as I wanted some advice on diet tips to help me get it back, I only lost weight as I wanted to become more healthier in myself however that doesn't seem to be the…
  • I have been to the doctor who said my weight was fine and if it's not returned by the end of November to return and they will do some blood tests..
  • I have now allowed the public to see my diary, I havent recorded all the time as I was trying to get out of the habit as it came abit obsessive. - I used to only have around 25g of fat but in the last month or so I've been aiming for around 60g
  • Well I live a very active life style, I have horses which involve a lot of care. I would say I'm on my feet from 7:15am till 6pm Monday to Friday as my job is in property development so that entails moving around all day doing one thing or another, so except for my 2 20 minute breaks and 45 minute lunch break I am on the…