Weight loss problems.

meganhewkin Posts: 10 Member
edited February 2015 in Introduce Yourself
It all started last March, I start healthy eating and exercising more to lose weight to feel happier and healthier ...Nearly 11 months later and nearly two stone lighter making me now 8 st 11 (I'm 19 and 5'6) and I couldn't be further away from that. I lead a rather active life, and I'm usually on the go from 7:15am till around 6pm 7 days a week. The problem is, I haven't had a period since I started dieting. I'm currently under the doctor about it and awaiting to hear the results of my ultrasound scan, although the Doctor is pretty sure it's to do with my quick dramatic weightloss. I feel that I am losing more weight as my clothes are getting bigger even though the scales say I'm not losing much more. Some days I won't have a "bowel movement" and I'm concerned this is because I'm not eating the correct diet for my lifestyle. This isn't what I set out to do and I want to sort out this problems as I can't carry on like this no more, I feel like my body is slowly giving up on me. Can anyone give me any advise ? Or has anyone experienced a similar problem?


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Please consult with a registered dietitian. It sounds as though your body fat has dropped too low.

    Also, your profile says you're 20 but in this post you say you're 18? I suspect neither of these are true. If you are under 18 you should not be using MFP.
  • meganhewkin
    meganhewkin Posts: 10 Member
    edited February 2015
    Please consult with a registered dietitian. It sounds as though your body fat has dropped too low.

    Also, your profile says you're 20 but in this post you say you're 18? I suspect neither of these are true. If you are under 18 you should not be using MFP.

    - I'm actually 19, only just turned 19 so put 18 by accident. I have an appointment to be weighed and checked this Saturday morning with my GP. I shall see if she will refear me to a dietitian.. But because my weight according to the scales is fine giving me a BMI in the "healthy range" they don't seem to be too concerned.