shimaura Member


  • dbmata: Thank you for the link, I enjoyed reading the article and the information provided. i have a adominal hernia of sort now and gave up lifting "heavy". currenly doing low weight high reps until i find a way to go heavier. OP, hope you can resolve your knee problem. take care.
  • Squating below parallel is something i used to do years ago. Just thought i'd put that out ... food for thought and if its urban legend i'm open for input. not sure what you can do about working on not rounding you back other than not squating so deep. You may be able to squat deeper overtime. I do alot of stretching and…
  • I read that squating below parallel puts undue stress on the knees. Some people, genetically, can overcome this but most may experience knee problems in the future. I noticed that smitty's lower back is rounding a bit at the very bottom of the squat. That may be a reason to not squat so low, at least until you've stretched…