talulah73 Member


  • Amazing. A great race report and awesome pictures :) Cheers for sharing ....so want to do this race :D
  • me too :) I am doing my 2nd Ultra in May ( 34 miles ) and 3rd in July - the LL50. I am finding it hard to drag myself out of bed to run at 6am so speaking to other runners may motivate me :blush:
  • I only have 2 races planned in for next year so far and training has been minimal for the last 2 months due to an ankle injury and virus May - 34 mile Sandstone Trail challenge July - LL50 - my main focus or "A" race. Scared - very ! I have only done one Ultra and that was last September (35 miles) so will be interesting…
  • I have been running for 7 years. Started with a 5k Race for Life, then 10k, Half Marathon and then 2 Marathons and other varying distance races like Hellrunner etc I did my first Ultra September 2014 ( 35 miles ) and ran 3 - 4 times a week. Mileage was between 20 and 40 miles a week and my longest run was a rubbish 19…