Gabbysmum2014 Member


  • @elephanteee Thank You! I completely agree! I actually went with a dear friend to a bbq last night and he surprised me with there being 2 people I had never met that he was close friends with. I actually did really well and actually joked with them. I don't know if it was easier bc it was guys and I've ways been more of a…
  • @AliNouveau Thank You! Yes, I am definitely quirky. :) I love being that way but I just wish I didn't care what others think. I truly believe therapy is great and have been for many years. I leave feeling ready to conquer the world and then when faced with a potential new friend I become so nervous and can't make eye…
  • @TavistockToad please keep this forum positive. No arguing or criticizing. The commenter had very good advice that is practical for real world situations.
  • @Geocitiesuser Thank You!!! I have joined 3 different classes and have met amazing women already so I agree completely it is time better spent than therapy. Talking to a therapist is nice for some things but it's a different setting and no help for real world interaction. Thanks for sharing your struggle and giving me hope!
  • Thank you for your response! I have and it helped me through a lot of things but that's one area that never seemed to improve. I was just curious what others that struggled had tried and what helped.
  • Hi! Congrats on 3 weeks of Insanity! I tried Zumba many years ago and hated it. It didn't feel natural or comfortable to me, but I recently gave it another go and it was definitely the instructor. I am taking 2 instructors now and love them both but they are different. I sweat like crazy in both but one focuses more on…
  • I'm right there with you! I'm working on getting my doctorate in physical therapy but currently struggle tying my own shoes. I began bingeing after my daughter was born prematurely and it was my coping mechanism. She's great but I never stopped. I can't even seem to force myself to really get started. I logged in here on…
  • I do!
  • Thank you for your reply! It's just my first day of tracking my food and boy was I shocked when I saw I had consumed 3000 calories after only half a day! I knew it was bad but had no idea! I really believe logging my food will help.