lohkin Member


  • Five days of Lunches, no heating required (maybe #5). Each lunch is ~/-400 calories 1. roast turkey slices with celery w/peanut butter, carrots, grapes, strawberries, pretzles w/low cal ranch sauce 2. Spinach, apple, diced celery, beet & blue cheese salad (no dressing), 1 orange and some strawberries, pretzles 3. Spinach,…
  • Yup. I even GAINED 2.2 points using this version. Whatever. #BMIisBS
  • I am 36, 4'10" and currently 146lbs (down from 167 in October 2014). I was/am tired of being labeled 'obese' by my Dr and insurance provider. I'm not done digging out of that hole yet. This photo was taken on 3/3/15. I eat around 1200c/day. I run 3x/week for 45 minutes, lift moderately heavy weights 3x/week, and I do…
    in Short Girls Comment by lohkin March 2015
  • Thanks guys! I felt like it was a load of crap. B)
  • I use endomondo and fitbit. Here's what I've noticed: The distance for the run is tracked in endomondo (basically the same as your mapmywalk ap), and then the fitbit credits are 'adjusted' - so, it all evens out in myfitnesspal. I have not seen duplication of steps in fitbit. As Staci mentioned, it shows that I have a…
  • I am 4'10" and started tracking in October 2014 at 168lbs. I am currently 146lbs through diet and walking 3 miles per week. My initial goal is to hit 140lbs. When I meet that, I plan to increase my fitness goals and see if I can make it to 125lbs. I am not as concerned, now, with the final number on the scale as I am with…
  • I have been hitting a 1200 / 1100 calorie goal, plus any exercise credits added, for over 3 months. You can look at my diary if you'd like to see how I am distributing them.
  • I personally believe that height has something to do with it, too. For example, my 5'7" friend who weighs the same as me (mid 150s) wears a misses size 10 but I wear a size 14 at 4'11". It's distributed differently. I have less vertical space for that weight.
  • Thanks! The competition starts Jan 5 and runs through April 4. I have already lost 10 lbs in 80 days with food changes alone, so I am hopeful that the addition of structured fitness routines will keep that momentum going. I do see the math now, it's just not my strong skill :p
  • I think I follow. That's more reasonable than what was in my head B)
  • This made me laugh bc I did this earlier in the week (I am 4'11") and the nice young man explained to his son, as they walked away, that short people need to eat well too.
  • I would love to be MFP friends. Anyone in this thread can add me. I have an open diary and have been logging for 80+ days. I am 4'11" and currently at 153 down from 164. My initial goal is 140 by April 4. I would like to be in the low 130s by mid-July.
  • I also live in Omaha and have found the produce prices at Aldi to be the best (for what they carry). Because Aldi doesn't carry everything, all the time, I do shop a little more often. It's worth a try. I agree with the OP, and do not think our local Target / Bakers / Whole Foods have very good prices for produce during…
  • Yes, me too! I've been logging and losing for over 2 months, so I am just getting started. I would love to start gradually adding strength training to my goals. One of my IRL friends is a heavy lifter and is a huge source of inspiration. 36yo, mother of one 7-yo, 4'11ish, currently 153 (down from 164) I currently walk…
  • In his airing of grievances, my husband announced that he was sick of hearing about food and exercise and how they relate to my health goals. I have some things to say about that... >:)
  • Great news! Abbey - I also have a chd that was discovered at birth, an atrial/septal defect. It was repaired with open heart in 1984. I'm guessing you're younger than me? :p I've done those stress tests a few times, so I relate to your goal of kicking it's butt. Good luck!
  • I think part of the reason I am discouraged, is because it was the same reading the dr's scale gave me two months ago. So, their scale read out the same weight two months ago and today. So, again, I got admonished for being 'obese.' My scale at home has gone down slowly, but consistently, and seems to agree with the…
  • I also wonder if it has anything to do with the food you have logged on MFP. I have seen weird allowance credits, too. But I've only been using a FitBit for a week. Maybe if the food you've eaten has higher fat content it gives you less credit? IDK :wink:
  • Can you both describe your basic routines? I am 4'10" and just starting out trying to lose 30 total lbs. I am down approx 5lbs in 40 days with better eating and tracking, so far. I will start adding in exercise in the next 40 days after I get my better eating habits established.
  • 4'10.5" here :) I am 36yo, trying to get from 164 to 140. I would love to get lower. Mostly, I am tired of being labeled as 'obese.' My taller friends are always telling me "that's not a bad weight!," but I don't think they understand the plight of the short girl when it comes to how we carry it. It is nice to see others…
  • There was a website I found a few weeks ago called "get drunk not fat" that was kind of interesting. It listed out all kinds of different drinks and the caloric value. I myself have one night a week with friends that usually involves more wine than we need. But I'm cutting back more as I get further into my journey to…
  • I believe you mean "Shake it OFF", @hornsby :p
  • Sure thing! I am going to bookmark this and reply more this evening. Are you just getting started with MFP? I am fairly new, myself.
  • I don't necessarily have a playlist, as I just let my ipod shuffle through my tracks. This morning I got some Combichrist, Angelspit, Ministry (thieves, specifically), glitch mob, death grips, Ladytron and skinny puppy. it is nice to see someone else with somewhat similar music taste. I grow tired of all the hip/hop and…
  • This is very eye opening! :o It must be primarily based on body comp, then, because I weigh 160 and am 4'10 but wear a larger size (14) than some of the taller women in this thread that weigh more than me. Being at the cusp of the straight/plus size category has been really difficult. I very rarely buy pants because I am…
  • Every single thing I have made from the SkinnyTaste website has been amazing. I make enough for my family, then bag/box the balance in single servings. I am currently working my way through a cycle of sloppy joes / balsamic pork roast / butternut squash soup / buffalo chicken chili / pasta fagiloi / zucchini lasagna roll…
  • I've been buying those 'picnic' lunch boxes, occasionally. I can't remember the exact name of them, but they are pretty well balanced and are easy to store in my desk drawer.
  • Yes, I am 4'10 and 36 years old. I'm currently at 161 lbs and trying to get to at least 145. Long term, I would like to get back to 135. I used the calculator links someone posted and found it interesting that it gives me approximately the same BMR (1313), but tells me to eat 1400 calories per day in order to lose…