Speekerzz Member


  • Well I am back at it again after losing 60+lbs and then gaining it all back. Feeling a little deflated, and lacking motivation. Member of Castle downs YMCA and planning on going there daily again as my schedule permits.Day 6 on my logging and "diet" still not ready to step back on that scale yet though.
  • My problem is night time. I work until 3pm and when I get home I eat. I then seem to get hungry again around 8 or 9 and can't shake it. I am lost on what to eat. It seems as though all carbs are my enemy , and I try for a protein bar , but then still want something. I am experimenting with sliced cucumber now, but really…
  • I am new here , and I have been trying to follow this philosophy. I seem to do good for a while, then I run out of steam and my body won't lose a lb. I then hit a point where it all seems to go good and then I back slide. I just lose 30lbs in two months for a surgery I had to do, I managed the recovery ok with only gaining…