

  • Hey, I had my second 10 weeks ago and have considerable more to lose. After having my daughter, now 3.5 years old, I lost 120 lbs (I was very overweight to begin with and have always had weight issues) then I got pregnant for my son and was planning the healthiest pregnancy ever as I didn't want to sabotage all I had…
  • Hi there, I'm a stay at home mom of 2 in NS, Canada. I just had my son 11 weeks ago.
  • Thanks Ladies, just these couple of words made my day today :) I've been on track today and I'm working on increasing my milk supply cus I'm going to my husband's work Christmas party tomorrow night and need lots for him to eat for his sleepover at his nanny's. It's a hard balance cus the more I eat the more milk I produce…