bkaye1967 Member


  • I managed to drop alittle but today was NOT a good day! Good thing there are 9 more until the next weigh in! :)
  • Yes, good for me as well. I am down 5 lbs. While I know a lot of that is probably water weight from enjoying myself alittle too much ringing in the new year, and the next weigh in might not be as good, it still gives me the motivation to stay on track! Good luck all! :)
  • I run a couple miles to warm up and then pop in a DVD...either the p90x or insanity workout. It is great because it is always something different which helps work all muscle groups and doesn't cause boredom! Good luck everyone!
  • Yes, thank you bwmalone for organizing the spreadsheet. I wonder if the link to the spreadsheet could be put up in the announcement section or somewhere in a place all its own so it is easier to find for those who need to sign up still? We have 55 members but only 15 or so signed up. Like ollerwe, I too am wondering where…
  • I prefer weekly weigh-ins as well. Thanks!
  • I'm in as well. I am 47 and hope to lose 20 lbs. I am ready for the challenge! Thanks for starting this.