kamack1215 Member


  • I don't know if I see a difference in the scale but I for sure see a difference in my body shape! After I started eating a lot cleaner with homemade foods and snacking on veggies the scale hasn't really changed that much but I am down a pant size and feel less jiggle when I walk. It might just be all in my head but I am…
  • Carrots! They are surprisingly kinda high in sugar though
  • This is the only type of cleanse that my nutritionist told me is ever safe. I am not sure why you are wanting to do a cleanse but I was told to eat lots of fruits (she said oranges and apples were the best) and try not to eat anything processed for 2 days. Afterwards I always feel like I'm not "backed up" anymore. I have a…
  • Having a weird week! I weighed in last week at 185.6 but took my weight this morning and am 187.1 so I guess I have gained . . . I am not too worried though but it does put a huge dent in my 10lbs goal
  • For my peanut butter I weigh my tablespoon first and see how many grams it is then put the peanut butter in it and do the math. Liquids should be measured in cups and solids weighed. I am no expert but that's what I found when I did my research.
  • Modified pushups are still pushups :) Try doing the jumping jacks a little slower than they do; and she says not to modify but if you have to try bending your elbows a bit instead of having straight arms. It makes a big difference.
  • Day 2 finished! Although, I do not have weights. I tried using cans of soup but they weren't heavy enough. Anyone have an suggestions on what I can use instead?
  • Name: Kayla Age: 23 Height: 5'1.5 Highest weight: 204 current weight: 187 Goal weight: 150 I started the 30 day shred this morning! I am one day behind but I am looking forward to getting through all 30 days! However, I will be taking every Saturday off because I train Tae Kwon Do and Saturday is our all day training.
  • I experienced the same thing about 2 weeks ago; I was super moody and was snapping at my boyfriend like crazy! But you just have to stick with it. Everyone has a bad day and it is fine, what matters is that you pick yourself back up and start going again :)
  • Whenever I do a hard workout (I train Tae Kwon Do) I can gain upwards to 1-1.5 pounds from my muscles retaining water. Don't stop doing what you are doing; if you have been inactive for a while then your muscles are going to hold onto as much water as they can to repair. Once they get used to the new routine you should see…
  • I have joined the group, however, it says I need approval before I can join.
  • I am in! I am going to the Dominican Republic March 17th and this support will really help with my weight goal! I am currently 5"1.5 and at 185.7lbs as of this morning. My ending goal weight is 150!
  • I understand what you are saying here. I am currently 5'1.5" and186lbs and my goal is to be 150 (the smallest I have ever been since like 12 years old). I have a VERY big frame when it comes to my shoulders and even when I was in high school at 155 I looked like I was going to fall over and my mom kept telling me I looked…
  • Congrats on the loss! Keep up the great work and you will continue to have happy moments like these all along the way :D
  • On your home tab, click check in, and at the bottom of your measurements box there is "Edit Previous Entries" in blue. click that
  • Thanks! I eat a lot of poultry, seafood, and peas but still having trouble. I may try looing into the supplement you mentioned.
  • I had a similar problem; I was stuck at 192 for a month! The only thing that I found that helped was to keep your calorie intake on consistent as possible. I was eating 1200 one day and then 1500 the next day then 1300 the day after and so on. Since I have started being strict about staying in the 1250-1350 range I have…
  • I am in a similar situation. I am currently working 40 hours a week and doing my masters full time at the same time. Trying to fit any exercise in is hard some days. My SO is really supportive like your husband, however I can tell that he misses me cause I'm not home very much. I have found that incorporating him into my…
  • Hey! I love to motivate people and have them motivate me in return! Feel free to add me!
  • Hi, I am looking to loose 42 more pounds to make a total of 52 pounds! I would love some new friends to help keep me motivated! Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • It takes some getting used to but I found that if I plan my meals and stack everything with veggies I am able to keep it around the 1200 calorie goal! One of my tricks is making sure I eat a snack every two-two and a half hours. I usually choose something low in calories like carrots or special K bars if I am wanting a…
  • What I like to do is make everything at home. It cuts down on some of the added stuff that adds calories and fat. I still eat a cookie, granola bar, or homemade chips when I want to! I like the feeling of knowing exactly what is in them! Don't deprive your body of things; this will lead to eating an abundance at once when…
  • I am currently almost 5'2 204lbs and am trying to stick to a 1200 cal/day diet. I found it extremely hard at the start but then I started making better food choices and incorporating a lot of veggies into my diet and making sure i'm getting protein (usually through eggs). Now I do not feel near as hungry and someday I find…
  • Thanks everyone on the replies! I am going to take all of your comments in consideration. I was having a tough day but seeing that people are out there to lend a hand really changes things!