AshleyCesta Member


  • Hey! I LOVE eating and drinking LOL. Ive got about 25 pounds to lose and about 5 weeks ago started tracking my food intake and committed to working out 20-30 minutes almost every day! I've already dropped weight! This time around I'm going to focus on getting different types of workouts in, not just running. So I've been…
  • I am a wicked binger...always have been. It's super extreme! But I've had lots of success with weight loss in the past. Now I've come to realize I crave most unhealthy foods when I'm at work, especially if I'm hungover or overtired. I use comfort food to deal with stress and to get through the day...I've also noticed…
  • 1. Get that feeling that "I've got this" once I see some results 2. Not have a pregnant looking gut 3. Skinny arms 4. Wear literally any clothing I want 5. Fit back into some of my favorite summer stuff and feel amazing in it 6. Be the hot single mom that I was always meant to be instead of the tired flabby one LOL 7. Have…
  • Hi gals! I'm a little over 14 weeks pregnant with baby #2 :) and am hoping to keep the weight gain under 40 lbs this time. For my first I gained about 65 pounds and was totally miserable. I was literally eating fast food and milkshakes every day in my final trimester and NEVER worked out other than walking here and there.…
  • I confess I ate a bowl of shredded cheese mixed with pizza sauce last night!!!