Measure everything, replace empty calories (chocolate, crisps, sweets) with nutritious calories (it's important to remember that one calorie isn't necessarily the same as another calorie in terms of the effect it has on your body) and drink plenty of water when you get hunger pangs. But ultimately I think you're right, it…
I was thinking of maybe investing in a Fitbit but wasn't sure if it was going to be worth it. Can I ask if you guys use it to help work out meal portion sizes and during exercise like running and things like that?
What's your daily exercise like? If you're exercising a lot (i would recommend heavy weights for weight loss and building muscle) I would suggest getting lots of whole wheat pasta in your diet. You get about a 40g carbs in a 150g serving. I hope this helps. If you're working out a lot, you want to make sure you get lots of…
I'd say you're quite active. Bare in mind there's a lot of people who use this app that begin from just sitting on the sofa at home or just in a chair all day at work. If you're moving around a lot and always (or almost always) on your feet, then you're more active than the majority of people.
This is my morning Smoothie that I have every day after my workout. 1 Banana 400ml Whole Milk 80g Mixed Frozen berries (Cools the smoothie). 40g dry oats 1 scoop whey protein powder. It's 647 Calories for breakfast and keeps me full until lunch (although I usually have another banana half way through the morning) 40.1g…
I think some of these "recipes" are going a little too extreme. Half a small banana? Just make sure you're hitting your Macro nutrients and make sure you aren't starving yourself throughout the days. Low calorie snacks are good every now and then, just make sure they don't become your daily meal plan.
Hertingfordbury (North of London) :)
Definitely! As I always tell my little girls. Set yourself small goals and work towards them. Each victory will build your confidence up and help you conquer the difficult challenges. You're capable of so much more than you realise. The only obstacle to happiness is your own mind frame. And you have the power to overcome…
John Legend - All of Me. I always play that song when I'm doing the house work (especially hovering ha). It's just a great song and gets me moving :) even if I'm not in a particularly up beat mood.
I know it can be difficult at times. You just need to remember that you are able to achieve whatever goal you set yourself! You owe it to yourself to sculpt your body into one that you're not just comfortable with, but one you're actually happy with. If you need help motivating yourself, there's a lot of motivational…
What's your 1 favourite thing about your FitBit then?
Glad to hear it. Start with what you're comfortable then work your way up. Get into a routine. Write down your goals and keep track of your progress. Everyone at my gym is happy to spot me if I ask, I imagine it would be the same at yours. All the Best NiqueKristan, You can do it.
You're a beautiful girl Becca, you just need to find yourself and tune your body to make it something you're happy living in. Good Luck, we'll all be here to offer help if you need it :).
I agree Yoga is such a wonderful exercise, for your body and your soul. That being said, when you've only got 10 minutes free, there's nothing like squats and lunges.
I would try and steer clear of processed sugars if I were you, but if your goal is simply to lose weight then as everyone has said you need to be more focused on your calorie intake and when you eat. try not to eat later than 9:00 if you can as your body can break down foods better during the day.
Smoking is a horrible habit IMHO. I think it's a great thing when people are able to kick it. Well done Buck and anyone else who's managed to quit.
I'm with Lauren, It's likely just retained water. Do you know if there's any Creatine in your shake then that's probably the reason why. It's just water weight. When I started using protein powder my weight went up for a few weeks. I began freaking out and started cutting out foods from my diet, but it did nothing. Either…
People will always find good and bad things about food. I only ever eat fresh & organic meat, to avoid any GM meats. But it's all about moderation & finding a balanced diet.
Be patient and consistent. Don't expect results over night. Document your progress in terms of weight, muscle size (if that's an aim for you) and take pictures of yourself to look back on. If you fall off the wagon don't use that as an excuse to give up. Instead get straight back on it. Work hard, there are no substitutes…
I was in a very similar position as you not too long ago, I ate very cleanly most of the time (I had moments of weakness every now and then) and maintained a consistent level of exercise. I initially saw results and then plateaued. What made the difference for me was switching to HIIT. When I started doing high intensity…