SSOV22 Member


  • Same here. I know what its like to lose weight in a totally unhealthy way and then gain it back. It's horrible, all the suffering for nothing. This time's going to be different though, for the both of us! I'm going to add you!
  • Totally in the same boat. Last year (my first year of uni) I tried losing weight in a totally unhealthy way. It worked, but I felt horrible the whole time. This time I want to do it properly!
  • Hi! I'm in pretty much the same boat haha. I'm 19 years old and I've just started using this app. I'm a second year uni student in Waterloo, Ontario and like you, I want to get fit before I get older and I start getting less motivated. You're only young for so long, right? Gotta make the best of it guess. This is my first…