always1011 Member


  • It quit on me. The if it fits your macros approach. It allows me more freedom to enjoy the foods I love while "being good" on what I need
  • There is always a few bumps in the road, just look at it as that. And maybe re-evaluate your diet, will you be able to keep the low carb up long term? I think sometimes a binge comes from your body needing something, maybe your carbs/calories are too low for you and that was your body's way of letting you know. I had to up…
  • If I understand correctly you're trying to lose weight before your gastric bypass? In that case be very careful with exercise and what type you do, as someone with quite a bit to lose I had to start working out very slowly and build up. Just start with easy 10-15 minute yoga stretching (focusing on hips) and maybe a walk…
  • You can do yoga stretches specifically for sciatica before a workout if its painful. I call them my "birthing stretches" because its almost the same positions I was put in during labor to open the hips, they work really well most times for my sciatica (pinched nerve in both hips). Sometimes though that nerve just stays…