kcowart130 Member


  • yup 300 additional to your normal maintenance is what I was taught back in nursing school, and increased protein.
  • I really like the insanity workouts. It's hard to stay motivated and I don't do them every single day, but can still see results even 3 weeks in. It's total body, about 40 minutes a day with the recovery, fit tests and ab targeting videos being shorter. I believe the second month requires about an hour a day.
  • I'm working on finishing up my second week now and I feel awesome! The workouts are pretty rough (to the point where I'm literally telling Shaun T to f*** off at times haha) but I can already see my abs and arms taking more shape and my thighs slimming slightly.
  • The weights are consistent from stepping off and then back on again. I just know that a huge weight fluctuation usually is related to fluid so idk if I'm too dehydrated or holding too much water. With renal patients I have always been told 2-3lbs weight gain means they are holding too much fluid so I'm not necessarily sure…
  • I'm hoping it has something to do with the time of the month... I guess it could be the scale. It was my husbands from before we even met lol
  • When I have strong, hormonal cravings like that I always get on my pinterest and start pinning recipes that look good for later and it will usually either distract me long enough to get over the craving, or give me an idea for something small and healthy that satisfies the craving =]
  • Very true. If too much alcohol is involved I always revert to cheesy-greasy-everything-delicious that night and the next day.
  • You can definitely do a ton without a gym membership. My husband and I moved about 30 minutes from the nearest gym, so I dropped my membership for Insanity videos and running. Honestly, I feel like I do more than I would on an elliptical and free weights at a gym.
  • I'm still losing weight, though slower than I probably would without. I do switch margaritas and things of that nature for light beers or plain liquor with diet soda to keep the sugar and extra calories down as much as possible.