Ckminnie Member


  • She'll get the results she wants. Then she'll gain it all back when she goes back to eating "normally". And she'll have a hopelessly damaged metabolism. AND she'll blame herself for not being disciplined enough to keep the weight off.
  • I'm 5'2", started out at 131 lbs, lost 18 lbs and as soon as I stopped tracking I rapidly gained back 8 of it. I noticed and despised that 8 lbs. I have been tracking again for a week and have lost 3 and already notice the change. Where do carry your extra weight? I carry mine in my butt and thighs and so I know it by how…
  • I'm 5'2", started out at 131 lbs, lost 18 lbs and as soon as I stopped tracking I rapidly gained back 8 of it. I noticed and despised that 8 lbs. I have been tracking again for a week and have lost 3 and already notice the change. Where do carry your extra weight? I carry mine in my butt and thighs and so I know it by how…
  • 5'3" and I am 112, down from 134. It's been a slow loss over the last year but I'm finally near my goal. I think I could probably lose another 2 off my outer thighs and be happy. Darn saddlebags.
  • Do you weigh yourself at the same time every day? I find I'm often a good 5 lbs heavier in the evening than I was in the morning.