djhnd Member


  • Thurs 02/04 food commitment: B-6 Tblspns half and half, 1 Tblspn ground flax, 1 oz oatmeal, 6 oz orange, 2 eggs, 1 tspn olive oil. L-3 oz cheese, 6 oz cooked beets, 6 oz apple. D-1 Tblspn Olive Oil, 1 Tblspn Balsamic Vinegar, 4 oz sauteed tempeh, 6 oz banana, 8 oz salad, 6 oz celery. Have to go sandbag the driveway, flood…
  • Grape Juice and anyone else on this thread - I just read something today about how an extract of saffron (the spice) was in a study and helped some women snack less. I guess it's a bit of an appetite normalizer. It seems to be a natural anti-depressant too, maybe that's why it helps with appetite. One of the drugs in the…
  • Anxiety and depression are SO common. You definitely are not alone. And what works for one person doesn't work for another, which can seem discouraging - but we're all quite unique.
  • I think that's a good plan. Taking the choice-making, multiple times per day, out of food and eating works amazing well for many, including me. Just make a plan and stick to it, it sounds hard but it's easier than opening up the fridge and saying "now what...."
  • Goal Weight: 153.4. Would be happy at 155, I think, though I probably should be 151.5 or so. Wed 02/04 B: 2 eggs, 1 oz oatmeal, 1 Tbspn Ground Flax, 1 tspn olive oil, 6 Tblspns half and half, 6 oz baked pear L: 3 oz cheese, 6 oz cooked beets, 6 oz apple D: 1 oz almonds, 8 oz salad, 6 oz cooked beets, 6 oz orange, 1 Tblspn…
  • Thanks JM! Yes, I'm meeting nutritional requirements. I do tend to be hypoglycemic, so this is a pretty low carb plan. I do better eating this way than any other though. Also, the caffeine i consume in the AM makes my blood sugar go higher, then it crashes. Probably my hunger level isn't extreme. Mostly though, thank you…
  • Good luck. How long have you been at a plateau? I think sometimes it just takes patience and your body will start losing weight again when it's ready to do so.
  • I have been exercising, my hill walk, but not noting it. Maybe that's why I lost 3 lbs in spite of having all that half and half every day.
  • Thanks! Tues 02/03 Breakfast - 6 oz baked pear, 1 oz oatmeal, 2 eggs, 1 tspn olive oil, 1 Tablespoon ground flax, 6 Tblspns half and half Lunch - 6 oz leftover protein, 6 oz cooked beets, 6 oz fuji apple Dinner - 6 oz cooked beets, 8 oz salad, 3 oz cheese, 6 oz orange Lately my oatmeal is actually 1/2 oatmeal and 1/2 oat…
  • 172.6 lbs this AM. 3 lbs, very good. Going forward I hope for half that, weekly.
  • Tomorrow big day - weigh-in. Well can't judge success on just one week. Hopeful. And grateful that it's worked for one week. Assuming I wake up tomorrow having not messed up with food between now and then, seven days under my belt. I feel great, too! Eating less, and eating this way, just suits me. Mon 02/02 B: 2 eggs, 1…
  • Thanks, and happy to hear we're helping each other
  • Happy to see people posting and being supportive
  • Today it's getting harder. The first week is always easiest. After that, cravings and hunger and inertia to just eat any ol' thing start and get harder to ignore and resist. But my plan is to stick to the path. I substituted 6 oz ground lamb sausage for two eggs this morning, and had left over green beans at dinner and…
  • Oh, in case anyone's wondering what the heck this program is: No flour, no refined sugar, no snacks, 3 meals a day, eat exactly this plan, no "concoctions" - meaning recipes that mix a bunch of things. So it's simple food. I realize this would drive many people batty. It has worked for me, and I like simple food. So I eat…
  • One note: sometimes I'll vary slightly from this. Today I had Kiwis instead Orange for fruit at lunch, because when I'd written the notes I'd forgotten we had kiwis in the house. Or I'll use another kind of oil besides olive oil, or tonight I used oil to fry the tempeh, even though that wasn't on my list. Also, I'm not an…
  • You CAN build muscle and lose fat at the same time because they are separate semi-independent processes. If by same time, you mean "same second / minute / hour" then maybe not because catabolic hormones and processes (the ones that break things down) can't necessarily happen at the same time as anabolic hormones and…
  • Thanks and thanks!
  • For Friday 01/30: B - 1 tspn olive oil, 2 eggs, 6 Tblspns half and half, 1 oz oatmeal, 6 oz banana, 1 Tbspn ground flax L - 6 oz orange, 6 oz chicken, 6 oz carrots and sugar snap peas D - 4 oz tempeh, 6 oz carrots and sugar snap peas, 8 oz salad, 1 Tbspns Olive Oil, 1 Tablespoon Balsamic Vinegar, 6 oz fuji apple I hope…
  • Kassie, as someone with a food addiction / eating disorder, who has been around a lot of people with the same kinds of issues, when you binge, are you eating till you make yourself ill? Or is more like, eating too much and knowing you're not doing what you want for yourself? I know it's such a struggle. But I hope you're…
  • Was miscounting. If I wake up tomorrow still on the plan, I've got three days under my belt. Did a hill walk today, that felt good. Thurs 01/29 committed food: B-1 tspn olive oil, 2 eggs, 1 oz oatmeal, 6 oz orange, 1 Tblspn ground flax, 6 Tblspns 1/2 and 1/2 L-6 oz tomatoes and carrots, 6 oz pineapple, 6 oz baked chicken…
  • :D Thanks for the reminder. We're all just vehicles for moving water around anyway....
    in Why water? Comment by djhnd January 2015
  • I know that feeling - I think it's pure craving, like just for any way to feed dopamine to the parts of the brain that crave it. What 48801 makes sense - probably the reason for wanting/needing the dopamine hit is to distract / soothe from some other, less pleasant feeling. FWIW, I think it's human nature to have those…
  • To anyone who views this or comments, Thank You! (Yes even you're just lurking.) I am grateful for any support and encouragement and happy to give, or be asked for, support and encouragement. Am 2.5 days into this. So far so good. Tomorrow's food: B: 1 tspn olive oil, 1 oz oatmeal, 1 Tblspn ground flax, 6 oz fuji apple, 2…
  • GJ, I think everyone in this group has a similar experience to you. Emotional eating IS eating to soothe oneself. It's self-medicating, for whatever - anger, anxiety, frustration, boredom, sex - whatever! People like me eat to avoid feeling whatever is going on. You are not alone! Lots of us here in this group, and all…
  • I swear I posted something so similar to your post when I joined this site - a few months ago, an attempt that went nowhere! I definitely know what it's like to hide food binges from people. I'd be interested in giving and getting support even though much of our stories is probably different. I have another thread in this…
  • so far so good. Just need to make it till tomorrow morning now and I'll have one day under my belt. Tues 01/27 food commitment: B: 1 oz oatmeal, 2 eggs, 1 Tbspn ground flax, 1 baked pear, 6 tbspns half and half with tea or coffee L: 6 oz steamed broccoli, 6 oz bison burger, 6 oz fuji apple D: 8 oz salad with 1 tbspn olive…
  • cal0rina - I hope so! Made these changes today: added 1 teaspoon of olive oil to cook the eggs, and had baked pear for my fruit / dessert all three meals today, since I baked them last night. I weighed myself this morning, 175.6. To get close to an ideal weight, I have 20 lbs to lose. another two or three past that is…
  • Happy to be supportive. I've hit that low before and it sucks. Sometimes though it really is the bottom.
  • Some people can eat a quarter of a candy bar and save the rest for another day. People like me - and there are many of them - will eat the whole candy bar, and it will trigger insurmountable cravings for donuts, cookies, candy, etc etc. Not everyone has an addict brain like those rats. But some of us do. And in that case,…