djhnd Member


  • And - sue - check out the book about food addiction, The End Of Overeating by David Kessler MD. He shows really hard evidence that, whether your mind "needs" food, the brains of food addicts respond to food in much the way a drug addict responds to cocaine or heroin. It's chemical Lots of people in FA talk about the goal…
  • Here's what happened. I weighed in, was disappointed with the result, which then resulted in my all or nothing thinking, "screw it all, I give up" - an emotional over-reaction, and I stopped entering my food here, stopped coming to MFP, stopped trying to stay on plan. As you can see, for about two months. Then about three…
  • Good for you. Hope you have success. I think a lot of us in this group are on an eating disorder spectrum, maybe not diagnosable but still disordered eating.
    in BED treatment? Comment by djhnd May 2015
  • Did you find someone / a group to do this with you?
  • Did you ever find anyone to do this with you?
  • Did this ever work out for you? Finding an accountability partner (s)?
  • Where does the "we compulsive overeaters are undisciplined" come from? Is that from OA? The 12 step I did didn't like the "compulsive overeaters" description, preferring to call people in the program "food addicts" which makes more sense to me. And, from what I saw in that group, those weren't undisciplined people. Many of…
  • p.s. Thanks for participating in my thread
  • Sue, I liken it to being a rag doll. When I'm in the food, I feel like someone's got me by the feet and is swinging and smashing me around, and all I can do it hang on for dear life. That's how out of control it feels. People who say "just don't do it" or "just say no" have different brain chemistry from us, but they think…
  • Yay! Two pages on this thread....
  • My 12 step program was superstrict. Today I poured half and half into my tea without measuring it - yesterday same thing with olive oil into a frying pan, both times because I just happened to space out. When I was doing the program, that would have been considered a failure, basically, and I'd have had to start over, from…
  • So I've lost seven lbs, with about 15 more to go. 33% of the way. Good news is, I feel great. I think not eating for several hours before bed just makes me feel so much better.
  • It is amazing how so many of us (not just in here) do things that are irrational and bad for us. certainly makes you wonder
  • I wonder if others find thinking first prevents eating later. For me, thinking sometimes got me into a funk I relieved by eating. Though I can relate to the regrets that come after a binge.
  • That's great that you made the connection, anyway.
  • The group that worked for me was food addicts in recovery anonymous. If you google that you'll find a web page that lists meetings near you. A different approach from OA.
  • Wow, no one wrote anything in my absence?! :) Oh well, I don't really mind if I'm just trying to do this on my own. I've actually stuck with the program since I was on last, with the exception of an Oscars party, and it's not like I went hogwild either. Monday weigh in was 168.6, gained .2 lbs. Don't mind if I plateau'd,…
  • weigh in was 168.4, which was great. So far, it's working. Here's what I eat: B: 1 oz oats or oat bran; 2 eggs or 8 oz plain non-fat yogurt or 1.5 oz nuts; 6 Tblspns of half and half in coffee or tea (this is my addition to the program, wouldn't ordinarily be allowed); 1 Tblspn ground flaxseed (hard to stay regular without…
  • Haven't been on here in a couple of days. I basically eat the same thing every day! I've stayed on track, even without listing my food here. Tomorrow or the next day, I'm going to enter my plan, rather than each individual food. It's always a variation on the same theme. Weigh in tomorrow, fingers crossed.
  • Happy Friday the 13th! My lucky day... :) It is tempting to just write 6 oz fruit, 6 oz vegetables instead of the specifics. I often end up swapping out, had 6 oz banana instead of fuji apple at dinner tonight. Looks like I had days/dates screwed up. I post the night before for what I'll eat the NEXT day. Going back to 1…
  • I did alternate day fasting for a month, just did juices on the fast days. That was followed by a big pendulum swing with what amounted to binging, for me at least, and a long spiral down or up to a high weight. My unconscious seems to say "deprive me, go ahead, I'll show you who's boss!" So this way works better. And…
  • It's hard. If it weren't hard there wouldn't be so many people dealing with similar problems
  • At the risk of not hearing what you're saying, going three hundred calories over once in a while won't set back your weight loss much, and might even be healthy if you can enjoy it. In theory, 3500 calories = 1 pound, so if you did that about 12 times you'd lose one less pound. So if you did it once every week, you'd lose…
  • Thanks! Procedure went fine. Had breakfast instead of lunch; and pineapple instead of apple @ dinner. Thrilled! to be eating again. Holy cow fasting is hard. Much sympathy for the many people in the world and in my own country state and region who live with food scarcity. Tues 02/10 B: 1 oz oatmeal, 1.5 oz cashews, 6…
  • Thanks! Last night I had a cup of miso broth. Today no food. Tomorrow, breakfast - medical procedure Lunch: 6 Tblspns half and half, 3 oz cheese, 6 oz carrots, 6 oz orange Dinner: 1.5 oz cashews, 1 Tblspn olive oil, 1 Tblspn balsamic vinegar, 8 oz salad, 6 oz leftover veggies, 6 oz fuji apple. Weigh in this AM 168.8, big…
  • Go to a meeting; see if there are any other non-OA 12 step food addict type meetings near you, as different things work for different people. The first step is realizing / admitting that one is powerless over food, a concept that a lot of people don't like (they also often don't like the "higher power" part. ) The way I…
  • Day 14 Sunday. Breakfast only, begin 2 day fast in preparation for medical procedure. B: 1 oz oatmeal, 1.5 oz cashews, 6 Tblspns half and half, 1 Tblspn Ground Flax, 6 oz mandarin orange. No Lunch, No Dinner.
  • I did FA, food addicts in recovery anonymous. Different from OA but both 12 step. I've met people for whom OA worked well. HOWEVER - the most important step is the first one. Go to whatever meeting you can if you feel like food and cravings and compulsive / addictive eating is running your life. For me, going to FA is one…
  • Day 13 tomorrow. Adding 1/2 oz nuts to breakfast because I got hungry today, and because of upcoming fast. B: 1 oz oatmeal, 1.5 oz cashews, 6 Tblpsns half and half, 1 Tblspn Ground flax, 6 oz banana L: 3 oz cheese, 6 oz celery, 6 oz orange D: 8 oz salad, 1 Tblspns ea. Olive Oil and Bals Vinegar, 6 oz brussels sprouts, 1…
  • Thanks Arosek! Friday 02/06 B: 1 oz oatmeal, 1 oz cashews, 1 Tblspn Ground Flax, 6 oz banana, 6 Tblspns half and half L: 6 oz celery, 3 oz cheese, 6 oz mandarin orange D: 8 oz salad, 1 + 1 Tblspns Olive Oil+Bals Vin, 6 oz orange, 4 oz sauteed tempeh, 6 oz sauteed onions, 1 tbspn grapeseed oil First big challenge comes up…