Committing my food to you all



  • djhnd
    djhnd Posts: 89 Member
    I have been exercising, my hill walk, but not noting it. Maybe that's why I lost 3 lbs in spite of having all that half and half every day.
  • JM1481
    JM1481 Posts: 88 Member
    djhnd wrote: »

    Getting pretty hungry lately - even got a little faint today. Took a nap and some creatine powder and felt better.

    Are you meeting all your nutritional requirements? Is there anything you are severely lacking in daily? If so, that could be the reason for the extreme hunger and feeling faint. Hungry is normal, eating at a deficit means we remember what hungry feels like, but it shouldn't be extreme and you shouldn't be feeling faint.

    Great job at staying committed though!
  • djhnd
    djhnd Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks JM! Yes, I'm meeting nutritional requirements. I do tend to be hypoglycemic, so this is a pretty low carb plan. I do better eating this way than any other though. Also, the caffeine i consume in the AM makes my blood sugar go higher, then it crashes. Probably my hunger level isn't extreme. Mostly though, thank you for your concern.
  • djhnd
    djhnd Posts: 89 Member
    Goal Weight: 153.4. Would be happy at 155, I think, though I probably should be 151.5 or so.

    Wed 02/04
    B: 2 eggs, 1 oz oatmeal, 1 Tbspn Ground Flax, 1 tspn olive oil, 6 Tblspns half and half, 6 oz baked pear
    L: 3 oz cheese, 6 oz cooked beets, 6 oz apple
    D: 1 oz almonds, 8 oz salad, 6 oz cooked beets, 6 oz orange, 1 Tblspn Olive Oil, 1 Tblspn Balsamic Vinegar.

    Thanks for checking out my thread here!
  • djhnd
    djhnd Posts: 89 Member
    Thurs 02/04 food commitment: B-6 Tblspns half and half, 1 Tblspn ground flax, 1 oz oatmeal, 6 oz orange, 2 eggs, 1 tspn olive oil. L-3 oz cheese, 6 oz cooked beets, 6 oz apple. D-1 Tblspn Olive Oil, 1 Tblspn Balsamic Vinegar, 4 oz sauteed tempeh, 6 oz banana, 8 oz salad, 6 oz celery.
    Have to go sandbag the driveway, flood watch on Friday
  • arosek719
    arosek719 Posts: 62 Member
    You're doing great staying in line!
  • djhnd
    djhnd Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks Arosek!
    Friday 02/06
    B: 1 oz oatmeal, 1 oz cashews, 1 Tblspn Ground Flax, 6 oz banana, 6 Tblspns half and half
    L: 6 oz celery, 3 oz cheese, 6 oz mandarin orange
    D: 8 oz salad, 1 + 1 Tblspns Olive Oil+Bals Vin, 6 oz orange, 4 oz sauteed tempeh, 6 oz sauteed onions, 1 tbspn grapeseed oil

    First big challenge comes up Sun Mon Tues - have a colonoscopy and rather than doing awful miralax am doing colonic hydrotherapy plus a 2.5 day fast. Little scary (little) - but I'll manage. I hope.
  • djhnd
    djhnd Posts: 89 Member
    Day 13 tomorrow. Adding 1/2 oz nuts to breakfast because I got hungry today, and because of upcoming fast.

    B: 1 oz oatmeal, 1.5 oz cashews, 6 Tblpsns half and half, 1 Tblspn Ground flax, 6 oz banana
    L: 3 oz cheese, 6 oz celery, 6 oz orange
    D: 8 oz salad, 1 Tblspns ea. Olive Oil and Bals Vinegar, 6 oz brussels sprouts, 1 tspn grapeseed oil, 6 oz tofu, 6 oz apple or kiwi or grapefruit (going shopping tomorrow)

    Happy weekend everyone!
  • djhnd
    djhnd Posts: 89 Member
    Day 14 Sunday. Breakfast only, begin 2 day fast in preparation for medical procedure.

    B: 1 oz oatmeal, 1.5 oz cashews, 6 Tblspns half and half, 1 Tblspn Ground Flax, 6 oz mandarin orange.
    No Lunch, No Dinner.
  • intrigame23
    intrigame23 Posts: 193 Member
    Nice work!! :)
  • djhnd
    djhnd Posts: 89 Member
    Last night I had a cup of miso broth.
    Today no food.
    Tomorrow, breakfast - medical procedure
    Lunch: 6 Tblspns half and half, 3 oz cheese, 6 oz carrots, 6 oz orange
    Dinner: 1.5 oz cashews, 1 Tblspn olive oil, 1 Tblspn balsamic vinegar, 8 oz salad, 6 oz leftover veggies, 6 oz fuji apple.

    Weigh in this AM 168.8, big weight loss but it's not a true snapshot, next week will give me a more real idea.
  • CynthiasChoice
    CynthiasChoice Posts: 1,047 Member
    You are doing so well! I hope your medical procedure went well. Best wishes!
  • djhnd
    djhnd Posts: 89 Member
    Thanks! Procedure went fine. Had breakfast instead of lunch; and pineapple instead of apple @ dinner.

    Thrilled! to be eating again. Holy cow fasting is hard. Much sympathy for the many people in the world and in my own country state and region who live with food scarcity.

    Tues 02/10
    B: 1 oz oatmeal, 1.5 oz cashews, 6 Tblspns 1/2 and 1/2, 6 oz orange, 1 Tblspn Flax
    L: 6 oz lamb, 6 oz carrots, 6 oz fuji apple
    D: 6 oz pineapple, 6 oz cooked veggie, 8 oz salad, 1 + 1 Tblspns Olive Oil and Vinegar, 3 oz cheese
  • Genette38
    Genette38 Posts: 51 Member
    Fasting is hard isn't it! I tried the 5:2 diet but the 500 days made me so anxious and emotional I decided it wasn't for me. Well done for continuing your commitment and I'm pleased to see your medical appointment went well.
  • djhnd
    djhnd Posts: 89 Member
    I did alternate day fasting for a month, just did juices on the fast days. That was followed by a big pendulum swing with what amounted to binging, for me at least, and a long spiral down or up to a high weight. My unconscious seems to say "deprive me, go ahead, I'll show you who's boss!"

    So this way works better. And thanks so much for reading and participating with me here.

    Three meals today was awesome!

    Wed 02/11
    B: 8 oz plain nonfat yogurt, 6 oz banana, 1 Tblspn Ground Flax, 1 oz oatmeal, 6 Tblspns half and half
    L: 6 oz lamb, 6 oz carrots, 6 oz orange
    D: 6 oz fuji apple, 6 oz cooked green beans, 8 oz salad, 1 + 1 Tblspn Balsamic Vinegar / Olive Oil, 3 oz cheese
  • djhnd
    djhnd Posts: 89 Member
    Happy Friday the 13th! My lucky day... :)

    It is tempting to just write 6 oz fruit, 6 oz vegetables instead of the specifics. I often end up swapping out, had 6 oz banana instead of fuji apple at dinner tonight.

    Looks like I had days/dates screwed up. I post the night before for what I'll eat the NEXT day.

    Going back to 1 oz cashews with fast in rear view mirror.

    For Friday 02/13
    B: 1 oz oatmeal, 1 oz cashews, 1 Tblspn ground flax, 6 Tblspns half and half, 6 oz orange
    L: 6 oz lamb, 6 oz carrots, 6 oz banana
    D: 8 oz salad, 1 + 1 Tblspn olive oil and balsamic vinegar, 6 oz steeamed veggies (green beans and brussel sprouts), 3 oz cheese, 6 oz fuji apple

  • djhnd
    djhnd Posts: 89 Member
    Haven't been on here in a couple of days. I basically eat the same thing every day! I've stayed on track, even without listing my food here.

    Tomorrow or the next day, I'm going to enter my plan, rather than each individual food. It's always a variation on the same theme.

    Weigh in tomorrow, fingers crossed.
  • djhnd
    djhnd Posts: 89 Member
    weigh in was 168.4, which was great. So far, it's working.

    Here's what I eat:
    B: 1 oz oats or oat bran; 2 eggs or 8 oz plain non-fat yogurt or 1.5 oz nuts; 6 Tblspns of half and half in coffee or tea (this is my addition to the program, wouldn't ordinarily be allowed); 1 Tblspn ground flaxseed (hard to stay regular without it, eating so little and lots of protein); and six oz of fruit

    L: six oz fruit, six oz meat or three oz cheese or 1.5 oz nuts or three eggs or 4-6 oz soy; six oz vegetables. Veggies are supposed to be cooked, I eat them cooked or raw.

    D: six oz fruit; six oz cooked veggies; eight oz salad in which 4 oz is greens and 4 oz is other (pepper tomato radish etc); six oz meat or three oz cheese or 1.5 oz nuts or three eggs or 4-6 oz soy; 1+1 Tblspn salad dressing, olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

    In theory I'm allowed eight oz soy but I tried that once and didn't lose weight. Soy is high carb and high calorie so I'm doing less than that at the moment.

    I'm having very fancy thick sweet balsamic vinegar, which in theory wouldn't be allowed, it's got sugar in it and it's not plain enough, but I like it and there are so many things I don't have. This isn't going to kill me.

    Lately I'm working a 12 hour day on Mondays. So yesterday I melted down .5 oz of 100% cocoa and put in a packet of splenda. It's nice to have a (very little) treat, and Monday is such a long day.

    That's my program, in a big nutshell. Pretty straightforward, pretty rigid, takes the guesswork out of eating. Lots of planning ahead. I'm fortunate to work from home which makes it easier.

    Thanks for reading - happy to lend an ear to anyone who needs support, just message me.
    I'm down 7 lbs in three weeks, probably not sustainable but will keep plugging along, god or higher power willing.
  • djhnd
    djhnd Posts: 89 Member
    Wow, no one wrote anything in my absence?! :) Oh well, I don't really mind if I'm just trying to do this on my own.

    I've actually stuck with the program since I was on last, with the exception of an Oscars party, and it's not like I went hogwild either.

    Monday weigh in was 168.6, gained .2 lbs. Don't mind if I plateau'd, though I haven't been regular lately and it's possible my next weigh in I'll catch up.

    Still pleased to be doing this here. And also, am happy to make friends here, give support, receive support, whatever. Say hi if you like. Thanks!
  • djhnd
    djhnd Posts: 89 Member
    So I've lost seven lbs, with about 15 more to go. 33% of the way. Good news is, I feel great. I think not eating for several hours before bed just makes me feel so much better.