

  • Did I do this one? If not, please add me :)
  • Everyone has their own perception of what is the truth or real, thus your truth may be different from someone else's. Sadly the internet is a place where people HIDE and pretend to be someone else. Normal people turn vindictive and mean. Not me though I am myself no matter what :)
  • And yes as a person who has PTSD and OCD I can tell you that talking to someone when you feel down helps a lot. It at first can be hard, but it works and actually progress is better when you talk to someone regularly. Whether you have a small issue or a large one talking to a counselor is amazing! I have also joined…
  • I hear ya there. Going from an hour Glass Figure teen to a bad marraige and turning into a human illness diagnosis who right now doesn't lose weight due to my pancreas being messed up so it runs insulin super fast thru my system turning all nutrients into fat. I would like to know how much I weigh daily, but I get OCD…
  • I should mention the physical abuse was more in the third oldest trying to hit me when he was mad, but I was thank god too fast reflex wise, however he did choke his father and brother and throw his brother down the stairs. That family would not put him into brook lane like they were told too. Now though the best thing has…
  • I don't like to be negative. I made a HUGE mistake. It was 7 yrs ago I met him on singlesnet. He asked me after two weeks to come help him get his kids to school as their bio-mom had totally abandoned them for a life of drugs and partying. I did and was only meant to help, but having poly cystic I have not had a successful…
  • I completely understand I am doing PT for my back and all the way down to my feet. I have really bad days and mess up eating a lot. This week has been interesting and I think better then most weeks so far. I noticed not just when you start off eating bad does the day go downhill, but if at anytime during the day you eat…