Divorce Horror Stories....



  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    In other words, you'd know the crazy I speak of. The struggle is real.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    My ex was dangerous (narcissist abuser) so I left him with a suitcase full of clothes when he went out. Stayed for a full year in hiding at my elderly grandmother's place (on a rock hard twin bed) while my ex stayed in our house but he didn't work. I got my butt to work 1 hour each way by bus since I had to leave the car there. I paid the mortgage in full every month while he lived in our beautiful house because I didn't want my credit to go bad. He tried to get money out of me because he had to repair the damages he did to my first home (tore down a wall and the ceiling caved in) but he claimed he was solely responsible for the increase in its value (when the market was going up). I remember going to the house he lived in during the divorce one time to clean it to get it ready for sale a year after I left and there was still homemade soup in a mason jar in the fridge THAT I HAD MADE A YEAR AGO with mold on it. He dragged the divorce out and I finally paid him out a lump sum so I could be rid of him forever. The only people that won were the divorce lawyers.

    Thankfully, my self-esteem recovered and I now have a wonderful husband and daughter. :smiley:

    On the bright side...he probably will poison himself with moldy soup or something...someday soon.
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    my husband's whole divorce from his ex-wife was a living nightmare and because she likes to stalk me online that's really all I can say :\
  • romanticallyblind
    I don't like to be negative. I made a HUGE mistake. It was 7 yrs ago I met him on singlesnet. He asked me after two weeks to come help him get his kids to school as their bio-mom had totally abandoned them for a life of drugs and partying. I did and was only meant to help, but having poly cystic I have not had a successful pregnancy and wanted to be a mom. I don't regret being their step in mom, because they needed me, but there were 2 adult children and 2 under age children. The third oldest boy had been a very angry and abusive child since he was 7 (long before I came along) The adult girls took after their mother drugs wise. They were narcissistic abusers. I found a report where the kids had been taken from them, but Dad swore it was from their mother. In the end the report was accurate. The mother was mentally off and the father stuck his head in the sand. Evan had been diagnosed with Defiance Disorder which sent him into rages. Things were so bad at 5 yrs I left. I still talk to the youngest as he is pretty cool kid. The rest of them need major help and refuse to get it. I got tired of being verbally and physically abused all the time.

    I think I fell into that relationship, because I wanted children and because of my own childhood abuse from my mother who told me at 8 I had to be the mommy, because she couldn't anymore.

    I learned to stop going for men who NEED me and go for a man who has it together and wanted me. In part it was learning to go for good men even though I wasn't sure I was worthy.

    I'm happy to report I am remarried to a wonderful man who treats me with respect and love.

    When dating him I was in a mall with young beauties and noticed I didn't care I felt beautiful and I have my now husband to thank for that. He and his family have taught me how real family supports and loves one another. My husband tells me they may have their issues sometimes, but when it counts they are always there for one another.

    God Bless! So even though you are getting divorced make sure you look at yourself to see where you are settling and then change who you pick even if you don't feel self esteem enough to believe you deserve it. Your self esteem will grow and you will feel deserving when you get the right person in your life :)


  • romanticallyblind
    I should mention the physical abuse was more in the third oldest trying to hit me when he was mad, but I was thank god too fast reflex wise, however he did choke his father and brother and throw his brother down the stairs. That family would not put him into brook lane like they were told too. Now though the best thing has happened. He got a scholarship to Ohio and is there all by himself learning about life without the bad influence of his parents. The youngest is 16 now and seems to have enough common sense that he has been raising himself and I check on him he seems to be doing well. I pray for all of them. I digress though my worries fall upon God's ears and my life is much better with my current husband :)
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    Miss_1999 wrote: »
    Tennessee. But I only practice mediation.

    I'm wondering if I don't know who you are. I noticed one of my friends has a "like" on your page, which leads me to believe you might be in my "surrounding area".
    On my silly UncleGorilla Facebook page? It's possible. Though there's about 28,000 likes on that page. 3000 of which are out of Houston, TX. Apparently, my stupidity is big in Texas. :)

    *points to the the Tennessee*

    Although, I'm sure you already figured that one out, and if you follow the news, you know the city of shame in which I live. Ah, the Texans love you! I wouldn't call it stupidity, just good humor.

  • Tab122377
    Tab122377 Posts: 81 Member
    9 Months pregnant, father had injury sitting in a ER became a Quadriplegic... when my EX decided to tell me he having an affair with hs sweetheart.
    The week i had my son born on monday that friday he brings her to my house and they sleep in my den.

    Legally separated for a year. file paper of course they arrive when my son with his father, he took his frustration out on the GF beat the crap out of her. to the point she filed police report neglected to tell them my son was in her house. went to court provided my paper work he lost custody for short time then got stipulations no drinking no girlfriend. he had my son on his brithday idiot took photo of him and her infront of a christmas tree with day light in back. went court with photo from myspace.. and my x agreed to my custoday. when came to the physical divorce he signed everything once i pulled out that help with college. it was the longest 1.5 of my life dealing with that *kitten* in court who thought he lawyer.....

  • pita7317
    pita7317 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Yikes. I can't believe the posts I just finished reading.
    My divorce (1) was not fun but nothing comparable.
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    Miss_1999 wrote: »
    Miss_1999 wrote: »
    Tennessee. But I only practice mediation.

    I'm wondering if I don't know who you are. I noticed one of my friends has a "like" on your page, which leads me to believe you might be in my "surrounding area".
    On my silly UncleGorilla Facebook page? It's possible. Though there's about 28,000 likes on that page. 3000 of which are out of Houston, TX. Apparently, my stupidity is big in Texas. :)

    *points to the the Tennessee*

    Although, I'm sure you already figured that one out, and if you follow the news, you know the city of shame in which I live. Ah, the Texans love you! I wouldn't call it stupidity, just good humor.
    There's a lot of southern likes across the board. But Houston has more than any other city on the planet.

    No clue why.

    They must enjoy sarcasm. But the burning question is, are you going to have your picture plastered all over the internet with memes that are full of win and awesome because you have so much swag that you can't be stopped?

  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    Mine wasn't necessarily a horror story, it just took too long. 13 months going back and forth., mostly because the house was mortgaged in my name and he was going to keep living in it but can't seem to get it re-financed in his name. We weren't even fighting over our daugther because she turned 18 about 6 weeks before the divorce was final. It was final this past May. Cooincidentally, our 21st anniversary would have been yesterday.

    I was unhappy in that marraige for so long but stayed because of my marraige vows. At some point, enough was enough. Much happier these days.
  • Joannah700
    Joannah700 Posts: 2,665 Member
    Mine hasn't even started yet.

    Can't start until the house is appraised. Can't start until the bathroom is finished being remodeled (the 3 hour tour of bathroom remodels).

    I'll just keep an eye on this page though...

  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Divorced my ex and found out some years later after we got divorced that she had never divorced her previous husband so our marriage was never legal in the first place. I gave her everything just to get out of the marriage and left with just my clothes. Unfortunately, we had children and now I have no parental rights at all because parentage was never established prior to the divorce. Had to go back to court to force her to comply with an order for genetic testing to prove that they were my kids. Come to find out, they weren't. I'm still required to pay child support even though I have no visitation or custody rights. She had been cheating on me with her ex while we were dating after the guy got kicked out of the military for drug use, sold all of their household possessions and disappeared on her. Needless to say, it was almost 15 years before I trusted another woman enough to even consider getting married again.