

  • Congratulations on starting your Paleo journey and having the success you have. I too feel the differences when I do cheat on the diet. I do break out, feel bloated, unregular, and overall lethargic. These feelings alone help me stay on track. If I do cheat, I do make a point to hit the gym extra hard, and also add some…
  • Great advice coming out from this thread, really has helped in trying to pinpoint a few common issues that many of us have had. I have spent hours going through the advice given in this thread and still have many more to go. Dragonwolf, you are the man and appreciate your words of wisdom. They really hit home and right on…
  • Congratulations on the recommitment. The first step is always the hardest. Also a great thing about life is that tomorrow is another day. We slipped up, but the next day we can regroup, focus, and get back on track. The tips here are great as well, Wheat Belly is a great book and will surely keep you on track.…
  • This thread is making my mouthwater. Most of these are great treats and are well deserved. The crab leg treats is great. While on the high end on the price scale for a treat, definitely well deserved at times. What a way to celebrate success, fills my urges for treats as well as keeps me motivated.
  • Missed this thread from last month but abolutely love it. The body and mind are all definitely connected. A healthy mind and soul is the first step to a healthy body, then a healthy lifestyle. Plan to take all these suggesstions from this thread and add to my plans. I also would love to hear the results of the Body, Soul,…
  • This thread does hit a sore spot for me. I too have a partner that leaves his "junk" on the fridge for all to see and to tempt. I have asked numerous times to be courteous and keep the junk food to a minimum, but no luck. I am seriously considering buying another fridge just to diffuse the tension and stay focuced on my…
  • Thanks for wonderul and concise list of books. I have a read a few on the list and agree with this simple advice from another poster: f you can grow it, raise it, and eat it raw or cooked over a campfire, you can probably eat it. If it comes in a box and you can't pronounce any of the ingredients and/or the list is more…
  • These are so encouraging and inspirational stories. I would like to congratulate everybody in this thread for their success. I am a newbie to the diet and have my share of successes and setbacks with other diets such as WW. I am glad to see that many of the posters were able to get the weight off and keep it off for years,…
  • Glad to see some of us our human and are tempted at all times :) When an urge hits, usually force myself to stay focused, remember why I started the diet in the first place, then remember the success already obtained. Usually helps calm the urges, if not, a piece of chicken and eggs usually helps the cause.
  • I too am shaking my head in disbelief. It really is hard to take the mass media seriously with all the negativity and incorrect data floating around. Seems like the media always wants to discredit anything successful and positive with some study from a suspect group. The diet has been a lifesaver for me and is really…