azkittygal Member


  • This should be a great group - there aren't many sites for over 70.......lets get active on here! I also post on about the rest of you?
  • ok 1 week down..... and loving it! SW 205 CW 201.2 June ending goal weight 199 Exercise (3X wk)..did 5 Daily Net Carbs (under 50) all ok except one day @ 51 Track food, exercise, water - yes Prelog food menu - yes Looks like everyone is doing well. WE ARE AWESOME Nancy
  • I'm new at Challenges too....but since this is only my 4th day streak on MFP, I need this particular challenge at this particular time.....Thanks baonslave; and sorry about your Mom. SW: 205 Preplan weekly menus on MFP Food tracker Complete Daily Food Tracker Exercise at least 3X week and track on MFP tracker Drink at…
  • I really like the Keto pyramid too. Great tool. Thanks for posting.
  • Hi all...I'm new to this group and would welcome "friends" as well. Looking for motivation and willing to motivate.
  • Hi girls...really happy to find this group. I just turned 73 2 days ago. I have been overweight for 30+ years, but 4 years ago lost quite a bit of weight (altho not to goal) and told myself I'd NEVER get to where I'd been again!!! Well, guess what? I'm only 10 lbs from my highest weight ever. This time (age I guess)…