Just the Basics June: Week 1 (6/1-6/7)

baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
Welcome to LC Basics Bootcamp!
I haven't done this in a bit. It's time again.

One key thing that I have learned in my journey is this:
Consistency + Persistence + Time = Success

Consistently nailing the basics is so important. And consistency creates good habits, routines, and gives you momentum that will carry you through hard times or disruptions to your normal schedule. Forget motivation. Motivation is a fickle thing. Discipline carries you through when motivation fails you.

So what are the basics?
Well, hitting your carb goal, obviously, right? There are other very important other basics. Staying hydrated, keeping electrolytes up, logging consistently (if you're a logger), exercise (if that's one of your goals), hitting your macros, staying away from trigger foods and other things you know set you back...

You can report your progress to your goal, whether it be ultra-obsessive daily hitting your low-carb plan basics, or working on a fitness goal, or even nailing down other good habits in your life. And if you have problems or need advice, you'll find that here.

Each week there will be a thread to collect your progress that week and to interact with other challengers.
I'll keep links to the weekly threads at the bottom of the challenge stickie at the top of the Group page, for when the thread gets buried. 2 clicks, to the stickie and the Weekly link, will get you back here asap.

So go ahead and post your goals below.

My daily post would look something like this.
SW: 159.6
CW: 159.6

Wed 6/1:
Logged: :+1:
Water: :+1:
Electrolytes: :+1:
Calorie Goal: :+1:
Carb Goal: :+1:
Exercise: HIIT :+1:
Prelogged next day: :+1:
No booze!: :+1:

But this is your show. So focus on your plan's basics.
See you on the weekly thread!


  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,009 Member
    My goals: Begin bringing my weight back down after concentrated efforts to gain muscle. I'm still doing that and trying to recomp. but I'd like the scale to inch back down some. I've had some seriously bad situations lately (my mom passed away) and lots of overeating calories and some carb indiscretions. I ate a half carton of ice cream the day Mom died. Anyway, my goal weight (reached in Dec) was 150. If I can get back down to 155 sometime soon and stay around there, which would account for muscle gain and extra water weight from no longer doing Keto, then I'll be happy.

    SW: 159.6lb
  • charliedog20
    charliedog20 Posts: 76 Member
    I have not participated in a challenge before so one goal will be to report weekly! I have been low carbing on/off for many years so I know it works and I feel great when I'm on plan. I'm sick of the yo-yo so focusing back on the basics will help me to get on track toward my goal weight!

    SW: 190
    CW: 176
    GW: 150

    I'm keeping my daily goal list simple to get started:
    Calorie Goal:
    Carb Goal (Mostly Veggies):

    Baconslave - I'm sorry about your mom. That is rough.

  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,644 Member
    Exactly what I need, thank you!! And sorry about your mom.
    My goals are getting my life balance back after a couple off-kilter weeks, getting below 190, making sure I'm getting enough sodium. Will probably add more specifics as I go.

    SW 192.5
  • SuperCarLori
    SuperCarLori Posts: 1,248 Member
    Hi! Lori here. I'd like to join, please.
    SW: 216
    GW: 170

    I need accountability and motivation to stick with it this time.
  • retirehappy
    retirehappy Posts: 4,760 Member
    edited June 2016
    Baconslave, sorry for your loss. Not many could stay on an eating plan during that process. Thanks for creating this thread for us (and you).

    I'm new to this group and basically a carb addict, I need to work on getting down to 150g per day or lower. This looks like something I should do, so count me in.

    Wed 6/1:
    GW: 141

    Staying at or under 150g of carbs:
    Get in 10k steps per day:
  • slimzandra
    slimzandra Posts: 955 Member
    June 1st CW: 150.8

    Logged: Yes
    Water: Yes:
    Calorie Goal: Yes, pre-planned
    Carb Goal: Yes 30g
    Exercise: Walk 20 mins.
    No booze: Nothing left in the house!, so as long as I don't buy any, I'm good :)
  • shilahjean
    shilahjean Posts: 13 Member
    edited June 2016
    Well this will be my first challenge! I've been going strong and very disciplined on Keto for the last 3 weeks, and lost 8 lbs. I've lost 40 total since last summer on low carb. I just have issues excersizing consistently! I log all good and stay in a caloric deficit and below 20 total carbs a day all coming from vegetables only. Need accountability on working out only!!!
    SW 205
    CW 162
    GW 145
  • peabean26
    peabean26 Posts: 78 Member
    This will be my first challenge, just what I need to step up my game. I've consistently logged in to mfp for ~70 days now. I got better at completing my food log during meticulous may and now I need to figure out how to actually lose weight on keto while breastfeeding. I haven't actually lost anything yet, which may be due to the breastfeeding hormones but could also be due to weekend slides. SO, my goal for June is no weekend slides. I need to see if I can actually lose while sticking to this plan religiously. It should be possible since I lost on keto prior to pregnancy.

    CW: 206.6
    GW: 175

    Logged: yes
    Carb goal (20g):
    Exercise: Not yet
  • change04
    change04 Posts: 314 Member
    edited June 2016
    First of all my condolences to you and family at this time # beconslave.
    I would love to join this chellenge, this would be the first chellenge I've joined since my new eating habits, which is still abit rocky.
    Need accountability
    SW 230
    CW 229.8
    My first GW 200 once I hit this I'll review and set another GW

    Exercise 15min✔
    Walk at least 10,000 steps ✔
    Carb goal✔
    Calorie goal✔
    Need to work on alot of bad habits
    Thank you for this thread
  • emilybeaver
    emilybeaver Posts: 365 Member
    First time doing a challenge. I need to do this as we are TTC starting in October and I want to get off another chunk of weight before then. I started doing this WOE in February and have fallen in love with it. But between vacations, getting sick, and being lazy I've slacked a lot the past month or so.

    SW: 188.8
    CW: 178
    GW: 140

    Water ~ done
    10,000 step min
    Carb goal
    Calorie Goal
    Logging daily no matter what
  • Magpie469221
    Magpie469221 Posts: 43 Member
    baconslave wrote: »
    My goals: Begin bringing my weight back down after concentrated efforts to gain muscle. I'm still doing that and trying to recomp. but I'd like the scale to inch back down some. I've had some seriously bad situations lately (my mom passed away) and lots of overeating calories and some carb indiscretions. I ate a half carton of ice cream the day Mom died. Anyway, my goal weight (reached in Dec) was 150. If I can get back down to 155 sometime soon and stay around there, which would account for muscle gain and extra water weight from no longer doing Keto, then I'll be happy.

    SW: 159.6lb

    I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom, I understand the emotional eating because I did the same thing ( my mom passed away 2 years ago and I still have moments of emotional eating) but did finally get back on track enough to lose the 25 lbs I gained after her death but still need to lose 30 more and I started back into a workout routine mainly HIIT a couple days and weight train the other days and it has helped me to feel a little better. Hope you Remember good memories of you and your mom together God Bless :)
  • Magpie469221
    Magpie469221 Posts: 43 Member
    I'm in for this challenge too I still need to lose 30 lbs and wanting to increase muscle mass. Here's my goals:
    SW: 183
    GW: 145
    Carbs: sticking to 30 or less
    Exercise: HIIT 2 times a week weight training 6 days a week
    According to body space it's going to take me 2 years to reach the figure I'm wanting but I have lost couple of inches and seen increased strength during my weight training sessions so hoping will see results a little faster :)
  • PamamaJane
    PamamaJane Posts: 288 Member
    I'll join. One day at a time was about what I thought I needed but with all of us doing this together maybe a week at a time will work. Basic goal is to stay within macros.

    SW: 249
    CW: 238.5
    GW: 150

    GW for week one of challenge: 235
  • azkittygal
    azkittygal Posts: 6 Member
    I'm new at Challenges too....but since this is only my 4th day streak on MFP, I need this particular challenge at this particular time.....Thanks baonslave; and sorry about your Mom.

    SW: 205
    Preplan weekly menus on MFP Food tracker
    Complete Daily Food Tracker
    Exercise at least 3X week and track on MFP tracker
    Drink at least 4-16oz bottles of water a day
    Carb goal of under 50g per day (will re- evaluate this at end of June)

    Final Goal Weight: 135
    GW for end of June: 199

  • natalialikescookies
    natalialikescookies Posts: 72 Member
    I'll join!
    I've had my ups and downs over the past year but I've made tremendous progress when I just stick to it and don't sabotage myself!
    So here goes nothing!
    Cw: 157
    End GW: 145

    June goals:
    Log every day
    Carbs under 50g with the exception of my bday on the 21st
    Jog at least 3 times a week
    Elliptical at least 3 times a week
  • quatermore
    quatermore Posts: 96 Member
    Great! All in
    GW: 145

    June Goals:
    Log accurately everyday
    Get at least 10,000 steps daily
    Stay @ or near 50 grams carbs daily
    Resistance training 2 x’s weekly
  • elize7
    elize7 Posts: 1,088 Member
    Starting all over as of today.
    Don't plan to weigh in til June 14 to undo some damage before I record.

    Goals for June:

    Carbs under 20:
    Daily 30 minutes physical activity:

    Going to try to keep it simple so that I can add this in as a habit. The carbs limit will be challenging until I readapt, but the hardest thing for me has always been physical activity. And I want that to be part of my day, so it will be my major focus.

  • Shantabulous84
    Shantabulous84 Posts: 13 Member
    Just started a 60 day challenge at my gym, and I definitely need to get back on track with the basics.

    CW:. 168
    GW: 135

    June goals:
    3 hours of activity per week
    30 Net Carbs per day
    16/8 IF Eating window 11:30AM-7:30PM
    Log daily
  • phxteach
    phxteach Posts: 309 Member
    I am trying to keep losing, all the while knowing the upcoming vacation will likely derail my efforts.

    SW 158
    CW 143
    GW 125 ?

    fasting glucose levels under 115
    exercise 5 times at least 45 min per day
    carbs 50 net
    log daily
    develop new business
  • jetsamflotsam
    jetsamflotsam Posts: 170 Member
    Ooooh... My first LC challenge! :smiley: I weigh in Wednesdays, so this is perfect. I'd love to lose at least 4 lbs (1 lb/week) by the last Wed of June. Every day I'll report on the previous day's progress as a couple of the items I don't do till bed time.

    SW: 301.7
    CW: 298.6
    Challenge GW: 294.6

    Daily Goals:
    • Log Daily
    • < 50 g net carbs
    • > 75 g protein
    • > 100 g fat
    • >48 oz water
    • Take supplements
    • PT Core exercises
    • 10+ min walk